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TGN Finest vs TGN Best

I'm about to do a some brush restorations wanted to see of anybody is able to compare these two knots. My previous batch of restorations were done with the Finest knots and I really like that know. I'm a soap user and I bowl lather. Being that I live in an area with hard water I do have to load quite a bit of product to make my lather and the Finest do a good job of digging into the soap. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
The Best is quite scritchy, and I take the Finest always over the best.
By best I'm assuming you mean Silver Tip. I've found them (ST) a little prickly and I don't care for that. Finest and Grade A's are my preference with TGN knots.

Mike H

Instagram Famous
I have TGN Super Badger, Finest and Best. Tony from TGN told be the Best is less scratchy than the Regular Silver Tip, but it is still pretty scratchy. The Super badger is nice, but lacks the backbone of the finest. The finest is my favorite knot, second only to the Shavemac D01 two band.
By best I'm assuming you mean Silver Tip. I've found them (ST) a little prickly and I don't care for that. Finest and Grade A's are my preference with TGN knots.

Not the Silver Tip Oscar. TGN has a knot they classify as Best. I think the Silver Tips would be a bit soft for what I'm looking for. I think I'm going to go with the Finest knots. They're a proven commodity, for me at least.
Stick with the finest knots, they are by far my preferred knot, try out the different sizes and styles (bulb and fan)!
Stick with the finest knots, they are by far my preferred knot, try out the different sizes and styles (bulb and fan)!

I think I will taco. I currently have brushes with the 22mm and 24 knots. As for the shape, I think I'm going to stick with the fan shape.
My order of preference in TGN knots I have tried are as follows. Hopefully you will find it helpful in knot selection.

1. Finest. Great knot with soft tips and awesome backbone. Some seem to have a hint of scritch and some I don't detect any scritch at all.

2. Grade A Silvertip. Another wonderful knot with pillowy soft tips, and fairly dense, with good backbone when set deeper, and zero scritch. My only complaint is it is almost too soft.

3. Best. A very good knot. Has some scritch to it, but not too much in my opinion. I actually feel the scritch level is that of the Super Badger which again isn't very scrtitchy to me. The best feels like a Super Badger with more backbone to me.

4. Super Silvertip. A decent knot with soft tips with a hint of scritch. Slightly less scritch than the best and super badger. It lacks enough backbone for my taste.

5. Super Badger. A okay knot with some what scritchy feel. Again it lacks the backbone I like.

6. Pure. A scritchy knot with good backbone. Scritch level is to high for my taste.

7. Black. A very scritchy knot with a ton of backbone. To harsh on my face.

8. Standard Silvertip. A scritchy knot with a lack of the backbone I want.

I have used each knot mentioned in more than one restore to come to my opinions. Over 30 finest, 20 SGA, 15 Best, 3 Super Silvertips, 2 Super Badgers, 2 Pures, 2 Blacks, and 2 Standard Silvertips in restorations. Taste in brushes and knots are very much a personal preference and hopefully my descriptions will help.
As all ways YMMV.
I have tried several knots from TGN, Bear Tooth Woods & ACE Shaving and I like the "Best Badger" the most from each supplier. The Super/Grade A are just too floppy for me. YMMV

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I like the TGN Best at least as much as I like the Finest. They are different (of course) as Curtis describes above. I like the variety of having both around; this goes for aesthetics and actual use. If I had to pick a favorite TGN knot, it would probably be the 22mm Short Loft Best.
My order of preference in TGN knots I have tried are as follows. Hopefully you will find it helpful in knot selection.

1. Finest. Great knot with soft tips and awesome backbone. Some seem to have a hint of scritch and some I don't detect any scritch at all.

2. Grade A Silvertip. Another wonderful knot with pillowy soft tips, and fairly dense, with good backbone when set deeper, and zero scritch. My only complaint is it is almost too soft.

3. Best. A very good knot. Has some scritch to it, but not too much in my opinion. I actually feel the scritch level is that of the Super Badger which again isn't very scrtitchy to me. The best feels like a Super Badger with more backbone to me.

4. Super Silvertip. A decent knot with soft tips with a hint of scritch. Slightly less scritch than the best and super badger. It lacks enough backbone for my taste.

5. Super Badger. A okay knot with some what scritchy feel. Again it lacks the backbone I like.

6. Pure. A scritchy knot with good backbone. Scritch level is to high for my taste.

7. Black. A very scritchy knot with a ton of backbone. To harsh on my face.

8. Standard Silvertip. A scritchy knot with a lack of the backbone I want.

I have used each knot mentioned in more than one restore to come to my opinions. Over 30 finest, 20 SGA, 15 Best, 3 Super Silvertips, 2 Super Badgers, 2 Pures, 2 Blacks, and 2 Standard Silvertips in restorations. Taste in brushes and knots are very much a personal preference and hopefully my descriptions will help.
As all ways YMMV.

Thanks for the breakdown Curtis. You and most everybody else on here pretty much confirmed what I was thinking already. I'll be using the Finest knots in 3 of the 4 restorations I haveplanned and throw in a Best just for the experience.
Curtis, thanks for the wonderful post. I just bookmarked this thread because of it.

Thanks for the breakdown Curtis. You and most everybody else on here pretty much confirmed what I was thinking already. I'll be using the Finest knots in 3 of the 4 restorations I haveplanned and throw in a Best just for the experience.

I'm glad you guys found my post useful.
Variety is what makes brushes so enjoyable for me. I think it's good that you are going to throw a best in the mix.

Mike H

Instagram Famous
3 finest and one best sounds like a solid plan.

Best, finest, and super badger in the back.

Thanks, Curtis. This is a comprehensive and valuable post. I like scritch - my go to is a Black Badger set at 46.

Wow! You my friend must have a face made of steel! :lol: I know several other fellas that love the black badgers as well, though not set that deep.
I had a 22 set at around 52 and a 24 set at the same. And it still felt like I was removing all the flesh from my face whenever I used them. The new owner however loves'em.
A classic case of YMMV.
Just shaved with a short lofted best from TGN. It's a soft ball of a knot. Little less backbone than the finest with the slightest scritch to it. Matter of fact, it almost seems like the Finest gives you a bit more exfoliation due to its backbone, and the best is gentler because of its flop.
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I love the TGN Finest knots. I can get a handle and a knot for under $50 including shipping, and I assemble a brush that rivals its $100+ cousins. And my knot never falls out!
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