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TGN Finest: The best brush out on the market?

My TGN XH 22mm / 52mm is incredible. I was strictly a boar user before this and I just don't see how hair quality could be any better... Especially for custom knots. I have a 24mm brush handle in need of a new hairdoo and I want to know: is there a more well rounded knot out there? Density, backbone, softness. Seems flawless! Feedback welcome!


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Yes there are better if you ask me. Maybe not for restores, but I put these brushes ahead of it in all categories and versatility

M&F 2 Band Blonde
Shavemac D01 silvertip

my first TGN finest was ok, but my current and second one purchased is fantastic. I wish there was a way of knowing which knot may come if I order again, but I guess they vary from batch to batch.
The vast majority of my brush collection is restored handles with TGN Finest Badger knots. I've found no reason to turn to anything else, other than a couple of boars that I'm having some fun with (Omega Pro 49, B&B Essential).
The only brush tht I'm interested in now is the SOC. aside from tht, I feel absolutely no desire for any other brush aside from TGN finest! They've killed my SBAD minus restores of course!

How does the 2 Band Super Finest compare to a normal XH
Finest?? Is it really
Worth about double??
I think my next two brushes will be a Semogue 830 and a TGN Finest 22mm fan set to about 50mm or so. I want a taller loft and more backbone than my 45mm Silvertip but with softer tips and less density for lather release. But I want to try a softer boar first.
How does the TGN Finest compare to the Shavemac Finest? I had Rudy Vey install the latter into a Grosvenor handle, and while it's a good little brush, the Shavemac after half a dozen latherings still has some scritch (but the flowthrough is terrific). What would I be experiencing with a TGN?
I actually prefer the TGN Super. As far as better brushes my Shavemac 2-band and Rooney, as well as my Duke 2 outperform them. TGN makes great knots for the price though.
I'm going to have to agree. I have tried a lot of the brand name (Simpson, Rooney, M&F, Muhle, Semogue) badgers and right now the only brush standing other than those with TGN Finest knots is the SOC two-band.
I'm going to have to agree. I have tried a lot of the brand name (Simpson, Rooney, M&F, Muhle, Semogue) badgers and right now the only brush standing other than those with TGN Finest knots is the SOC two-band.

Are we related? Haha. I just don't see a brush getting any better for my personal preferences. I don't want anything softer and it has the perfect amount of density and backbone. I have bowl lathered with mine a few times and last night I decided to face lather. All I can say is: WOW.

So is the the 2 band super finest a different manufacturer than the regular finest?
Are we related? Haha. I just don't see a brush getting any better for my personal preferences. I don't want anything softer and it has the perfect amount of density and backbone. I have bowl lathered with mine a few times and last night I decided to face lather. All I can say is: WOW.

So is the the 2 band super finest a different manufacturer than the regular finest?

I don't believe so, although I do have family in Mass somewhere, ha! I only face lather and the finest knots are perfect for it. I don't really know if they are a different manufacturer or not. I'm sure you can email TGN and ask. I have a horn handle that's begging for a Finest F2 knot. I believe I only have original finest now.
I have 26mm TGN Finest knots in handles by Rudy Vey and Bob Quinn, and they are outstanding knots at a great price. I have 2-band brushes from all the major makers except M&F, and the TGN is as good or better as any of those. The Shavemac D01 2-Band, I have found, has more scratch and scritch than any of the other 2-bands, including the TGN.
TGN Finest represent one of the best values there is today.

Whether as a replacement knot in a restore or as a new knot in a new handle, TGN Finest does both very well.
I replaced a shedding knot with a 24mm TGN finest. This turned out to be a serious upgrade to the original 3 band silvertip knot the brush came with. Although it's a much better brush than it was originally, I have several brushes that I prefer.
I have a TGN Finest with a 24mm knot and it is a fantastic brush. Personally if I were restoring a brush or building one myself I wouldn't hesitate to go with a TGN Finest. Just my two cents.
24x48 Finest is as good a face lathering knot as I've come across, and with a smallish handle, e.g., an old Ever Ready, is a great traveler, dries fast
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