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Texting should be banned while driving

I drive on the interstate almost daily from Austin to San Antonio or Houston. I have seen numerous folks texting while driving or checking their email/facebook. I have almost been wiped out going 70 miles per hour while some dude kept drifting into my lane. I honked repeatedly until he lifted his head from his Iphone and corrected his car. I have seen a woman in a nice BMW rear end a truck in Austin while she was looking at her phone. Paranoia has taken over my senses while I drive. I hope to make it home at the end of the day.

Texting is banned in Austin proper but it does not deter folks from doing it. I ignore texts and emails while I am driving. Whoever or whatever can wait until my car is in park. I wish the carriers were able to disable texting and emails when you got in the car. Nope it will never happen.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I couldn't agree more and I don't even drive. It's hazardous for everyone in the car. I believe Chicago has banned using your phone period while driving, unless you have a hands free device. But I hardly think the Chicago cops are pulling people over for using their phones while driving. And there lies the problem. How do enforce the law without the public screaming "we are being ticketed for using our phones while people are selling drugs and being shot!"

I agree some action has to be taken though. It has gotten bad and I don't see it getting better. Does anyone even use bluetooth earpieces anymore?
Texting is illegal in Georgia but I see people do it all the time. I don't even talk on my phone while driving. I just let calls go to voice mail.

I've tried texting and driving just once or twice. It is seriously a dangerous thing to do. There's no way you can type an accurate message and pay attention to all the drivers around you.

The drivers in metro Atlanta are so bad, they can't even talk on the phone and pay attention to their driving.

One example: dude in a gold, Mercedes SUV is two cars behind me while we wait in the cashier lane in the toll plaza of the GA-400 South. The next thing I know, I see hom on my right wanting to get in front trying to get back into the cashier lane and blocking one of the cash only lanes. Of course, the entire time, he's got his phone plastered to his cheek. I reluctantly let him merge in front of me although I believe that letting idiots like this merge will not teach them a lesson. He gave me a thank you wave but I was still tempted to honk and flip him off.

I wish more cars in America were manual transmissions. I think it would force people to be more attentive to their driving. I drive a stick shift now but didn't when I was a teenager. I think my driving has gotten considerably better after having a car with a manual transmission or maybe it's just because I've gotten older.
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I live in the Chicago area. Phone usage is illegal in a moving car and they do enforce it. I have a couple of buddies who have gotten pinched for it.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I live in the Chicago area. Phone usage is illegal in a moving car and they do enforce it. I have a couple of buddies who have gotten pinched for it.

No offense to your buddies but glad to hear I was wrong in the "I hardly think Chicago cops are pulling people over for using their phone".

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
We got along just fine without texting before there was SMS. In fact, we got along just fine without cel phones before there were cel phones. So I think we can get along just fine with our phones turned OFF while driving.

Good point about driving a stick. I prefer standard transmission simply because the ability to push start means I am that much less likely to be stranded somewhere with no way to start the engine when the batt is too low or the starter won't engage or turn. It also means I won't be paying $1000 or more to rebuild an automatic transmission at some point. But it does make one a more attentive and engaged driver, yeah. Can't drive in traffic with a soda or a brew in one hand and a poboy or a burger in the other when you got to shift all the time! I have seen people do that, too. Usually some over-large (undertall?) person who probably could afford to miss a meal, or at least wait until she or he is parked somewhere to ravenously devour another 1700 calories or so. At least a phone only occupies one hand. And two eyes. And an ear. And whatever passes for a brain. Then there are the dashboard GPS units that can be so useful... but what? I see people fiddling with them while driving! Enter the destination BEFORE pulling out into traffic! I saw a guy diddling with his GPS just today, didn't notice the light had turned green. (I was in the left turn lane) Probably just got someone's address on his cel phone via text, or googled the address of a drive through daiquiri shop, and was inputting it into the GPS. Could have been worse I guess. Often it IS worse, I guess. How many rear-enders happen in traffic from someone messing with the GPS, the stereo, the AC, the cel phone, unwrapping another Big Mac, and not keeping eyes and attention on the car or truck ahead?
Texting while driving is banned in most US states and throughout Europe.
That doesn't stop idiots from doing it for the same reason that there are daily murders and rapes and drunk drivers.
People will do what they want to do regardless of what the law says. It's up to our law enforcement officers to catch & prosecute these morons (best of luck).
I agree. I just turn the phone off. I drove for nearly 20 years before the pager came out. I cannot think of a single message I missed that could not wait until I got out of the car.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
In Australia using a phone with anything other than a hands free kit is totally illegal, and people get booked for it all the time. IMO texting while driving is way more dangerous than just holding the phone to your ear and talking. At least you can keep your eyes on the road when you are doing that.

If you have a serious accident while driving here the cops will often pull your phone records. You would be amazed how many people are half way through a text conversation, or have just received/sent a message.
In California it is non stop,and the fine if you do get caught is peanuts...Hike the first offense to $500,make some money for the cities empty coffers,and watch the infractions dwindle...with the money they make they could easily increase the police force by 5 officers or more...While we are on the subject,I don't know why California has few ,if any ,unmarked Highway Patrol cars nowadays.They have a few "low profile" vehicles,but guys spot them easily...Years ago we had many more unmarked CHP cars...California freeways are sheer mayhem...you are more likely to get shot on our freeways than in any other state....Illegal immigrants can walk into any Dept. of Motor Vehicles and get an official drivers license,no proof of insurance,or immigration papers required !...!!...dopers and thugs have stopped commute hour traffic on our freeways to do "sideshows" ,burning doughnuts and driving like they are nuts....not much is done about it..."lack of funds"..."lack of manpower"...get some stiff fines,and confiscations going and you'll see a difference..

You know what else should be illegal? Standing at the top, or bottom, of the steps to the subway station, blockading the entrance or exit to ALL OF THE OTHER COMMUTERS, so that you can fire off that last E-mail/text, or finish up your phone conversation before you lose service underground. @#$%. Get out of the way.

I don't rant very often, but that drives me insane.
It's incredibly stupid. One of those habits that proves you have a dangerous attitude to driving and should be banned for life. Because no matter how many times they test you for aptitude, your attitude determines how safe you are - and you can fake that during any test.

Sadly the authorities only seem to treat it seriously AFTER someone causes a fatal accident this way and phone records show they were texting at the time.

Edit> Maybe the media should do their bit and stop showing drivers turning to their passengers to hold a conversation. Make my blood boil. It is NOT safe to take your eyes off the road at any time for any reason. They should stop 'teaching' the public that it is OK to drive without looking.
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I'm more concerned about drivers in general, especially those in Mercs and BMWs. The number of near death experiences I've had just steps from my house. Two years ago there was a drunk driver in our road, I called the police and she got a two year ban.
In California it is non stop,and the fine if you do get caught is peanuts...Hike the first offense to $500,make some money for the cities empty coffers,and watch the infractions dwindle...with the money they make they could easily increase the police force by 5 officers or more...While we are on the subject,I don't know why California has few ,if any ,unmarked Highway Patrol cars nowadays.They have a few "low profile" vehicles,but guys spot them easily...Years ago we had many more unmarked CHP cars...California freeways are sheer mayhem...you are more likely to get shot on our freeways than in any other state....Illegal immigrants can walk into any Dept. of Motor Vehicles and get an official drivers license,no proof of insurance,or immigration papers required !...!!...dopers and thugs have stopped commute hour traffic on our freeways to do "sideshows" ,burning doughnuts and driving like they are nuts....not much is done about it..."lack of funds"..."lack of manpower"...get some stiff fines,and confiscations going and you'll see a difference..
I agree with you completely !!! Same problem here in Kentucky, but hell I see Louisville Metro police texting as much as everyone else. It is out of hand here also..............JR
I saw this driver once texting while merging and he continued to merge all the way to the far left lane into the concert wall that separated the two freeways and rubbed up against it for a good five feet. The car got a serious case of concrete wall rash! He corrected and in NY rear view mirror I saw him pull over. Ouch. Nice car too.

Once I had to answer a text and pulled over before getting on the freeway on ramp as there was a swing out. Basically a wide round area/parking. Then this cop comes up starts to harass me and quotes vers and text of the vehicle code that it's illegal to park there. I explained to him I didn't want to text while driving and he was just impressed with himself knowing the vehicle codes. What an jerk. So I left took the next exit into a residential area and parked.
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Austin, this month down here in Corpus it became illegal to have a phone in your hands while operating a motor vehicle. It's a $500.00 fine if you are caught. I heard it applies even while you are at a stop light!
It's illegal here (and most, if not all, European countries). But as long as people fail to understand the danger, it's probably impossible to completely ban it. It is actively enforced though here; the law states that it's forbidden to hold a phone in your hand while driving, and traffic police does keep an eye on it. I think in the UK you're not even allowed to touch it when it is in the car kit.

Problem with the Dutch law is that it specifically states that it is forbidden to hold a phone. Apart from the fact that it is hard to prove that you were holding a phone indeed, and not one of the other phone like gadgets in your car, it still allows you to use your ipad, audio remote control, tablet, whatever, unless they can prove that you are actually creating a dangerous situation at the moment (like reading your ipad behind the steering wheel).


Fridays are Fishtastic!
First offense for cell phone usage while driving should be at least a $500 fine. Second offense should be jail-able. It is the only way to get these idiots' attention.
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