...or at the very least one whose scent goes away quickly. I've been using PVIBR with some lotion on top of it, and it works great, but the lotion has this weird floral scent that clashes with the bay rum.
I'm currently partial to Feather's ASB.
Henry, what's this feathers ASB?
Hi josh!
I guess this would be the Kanwa balm/lotion...
I think I see Beginish use it quite a lot as well in his SOTDs.
Can be had through classicshaving
Hope this helped.
Oh, Henry, feel free to post your word on it though; may interest even more of us... Thank you!
Every Man Jack's After Shave Lotion has a light mint scent that disappears quickly, the lotion is light, and it's very refreshing. You can usually find it at Target.
I'm currently partial to Feather's ASB.