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Tell me about Alabama.....

My wife, son and I will be moving to the Montgomery area this July/August. Wife accepted a teaching position at AUM and I will be taking a hiatus from my job! :w00t: I expect to be hanging around here a bit more!

Anyhow, I know we have some members here from there. Just looking for general info. on the area. Specifically where to live etc. My wife is set on Pratville but any other areas to consider?

Also, what about race relations etc. I'm Hispanic and my wife is white and my son is swirl. :w00t: Any considerations to be kept in mind. Don't want to get in trouble with the good 'ole boys!
My wife, son and I will be moving to the Montgomery area this July/August. Wife accepted a teaching position at AUM and I will be taking a hiatus from my job! :w00t: I expect to be hanging around here a bit more!

Anyhow, I know we have some members here from there. Just looking for general info. on the area. Specifically where to live etc. My wife is set on Pratville but any other areas to consider?

Also, what about race relations etc. I'm Hispanic and my wife is white and my son is swirl. :w00t: Any considerations to be kept in mind. Don't want to get in trouble with the good 'ole boys!

Hey there,

Montgomery is the part of the state I know least about, but I'm a native of Tuscaloosa and Huntsville, and my family has been in Alabama since before there was dirt, so I'm qualified to discuss some aspects of the general world you're moving into.

Moving from Texas, (I assume), some things will be familiar: football is king, Jesus is everyone's co-pilot, and the government is everyone's worst enemy until they need something. Hunting and golf are the best sports to enjoy if you want to integrate yourself into the local social circles. Gone are the days of deep suspicions of outsiders, but folks may take a while to warm up to you, just the same.

Your concerns about race relations are well founded. I'm sorry in advance. If your accent is minimal or you're a southern-accented Texan, you'll be more readily accepted by most folks. I wouldn't worry about your kid being targeted because he's mixed, but the public school system in Alabama is generally awful with a few shining exceptions, and very few of them in Montgomery.

Montgomery hasn't fared well in either the history of race relations or the economic upsurge in the New South during the 1980s and 1990s. It doesn't have much of an industrial/manufacturing/technology base, and sadly, it shows. It is struggling with re-inventing itself. Auburn is a good school (insofar as it can be, given that the state government continually cuts school funding), and AUM will probably be a bright spot for y'all.

When peaches are in season, you absolutely must drive to Chilton county (towards Tuscaloosa on US Hwy 82), stop on the side of the road and get some fresh peaches. There's a little produce stand near Jim's barbecue (the barbecue is B or B+ but it's a nice place for lunch) that will probably have plenty to offer you.

Don't give up your original football loyalties, wherever they are; it's okay for you to root for Auburn -- you poor misguided soul -- but never give up on your alma mater's football team. People will respect that.

Lastly: Prattville has two 't's :001_smile but what little I know of it, I like. I have had several friends from Prattville over the years and they were never down on their town. If you're looking for a church :wink: I recommend St. Mark's Episcopal.
I live just north of Mobile, about two hours away from Montgomery. I would think racial relations would be about the same as the rest of the country. It's hard to work nowadays if you have a problem with other races, eh? I'm not super familiar with Montgomery, but I have heard that Prattville is a nice area, and they do have a very good high school football team there. Also look just north east of Montgomery if you like nice rolling foothills. I'd also suggest taking up deer hunting if you are even vaguely interested in it. There are some nice deer in that part of the state.
I don't know much about Ala. but I know El Paso. Wherever you end up near Montgomery there will be less sun, fewer monsoons, and NO SAND. At least the blowing kind.:biggrin:

Good Luck with the move.
I forgot to mention the three words needed to get in the good graces of folks in Alabama.....Roll Tide Roll!!!!!
Soapbox-excellent! That's the kind of info. I was looking for. I'm not overly concerned about the racial aspect as my wife says I look and act like I'm pretty white! :001_smile I think we'll fit right in with the football aspect too. My wife teaches at the university here and our team sucks but we're there every home game and some away games.

Perfect Storm- Yup, when I looked at the annual rainfall figures I almost fainted! But I must say I look forward to the change in weather sans the tornadoes of course. I hope it is similar to the Texas Hill Country. And no I won't miss the sand storms! :001_smile But I will miss the food.
+1 to maintaining football loyalties, unless you are a UT fan. In which case, you should immediately jump ship and sell out totally for Auburn :biggrin:

says the Baylor grad
I forgot to mention the three words needed to get in the good graces of folks in Alabama.....Roll Tide Roll!!!!!

Good advice there! LOL

I don't know anything about where you are going, but I lived In Tuscaloosa for a short time, while doing a shut down on some car plant. Although I am a Yankee, they people over all treated me nicely.
The heat will probably be about 4 degrees cooler than El Paso but the humidity hovers around 450%. I live in North Alabama (Athens, the center of the Universe) but have had some schooling for work that has held in Montgomery. It's a "God fearing" town in that it only had 2 or 3 night clubs as late as 5 years ago. The state always seems to be working on the interstate hwy so don't speed, they love to give tickets. There is a new Hunydi plant just south of town. Hank Williams Sr. is buried in Oakwood Cemetery. Try to pronounce pecan pie like PEE CAN Pie, that way you'll sound like a native. Good Luck.
Soapbox-excellent! That's the kind of info. I was looking for. I'm not overly concerned about the racial aspect as my wife says I look and act like I'm pretty white! :001_smile I think we'll fit right in with the football aspect too. My wife teaches at the university here and our team sucks but we're there every home game and some away games.

Perfect Storm- Yup, when I looked at the annual rainfall figures I almost fainted! But I must say I look forward to the change in weather sans the tornadoes of course. I hope it is similar to the Texas Hill Country. And no I won't miss the sand storms! :001_smile But I will miss the food.

Rainbow Tortas (Viscount and Acer) rocked. And Pepe's Tamales on McRae. And the original stucco Dali's on Mesa, not the creepy new one.

It is nothing like the Hill Country, dude, so prepare. Closer to North/Northeast Texas, particularly the Red River Valley east of Texoma.

If your kid was born in ELP it will be a whole new world of rivers and creeks and state parks and seasons.

Also, things will be a LOT closer than they are in ELP. Other towns, significant cities, etc. are much closer than in the Trans-Pecos. (For those who don't know, El Paso is famous for being 300 freaking miles from everything. Literally.)
Also, things will be a LOT closer than they are in ELP. Other towns, significant cities, etc. are much closer than in the Trans-Pecos. (For those who don't know, El Paso is famous for being 300 freaking miles from everything. Literally.)

That's the truth. There's no chance I could live there... BFE was originally ELP before they started getting uptight about it. :lol:
That's the truth. There's no chance I could live there... BFE was originally ELP before they started getting uptight about it. :lol:

Damn well played, sir! Outstanding.

And also true. It is approximately 300 miles highway time from ELP to Midland, Lubbock, Tucson, Albuquerque and Santa Fe. LOT of rental-car miles burnt there, kids.
It is a very liveable place though.

And, in fairness, the things you can get to in a day trip--Big Bend, Fort Davis, Las Cruces, Cloudcroft, Ruidoso, Carlsbad, Guadalupe Mountains--ain't nothing to sneeze your nose at. El Paso is the only city in Texas where you can go to the deepest darkest parts of Big Bend NP one day, go home, get up the next morning and go to Guadalupe Mountains NP and Carlsbad Caverns NP. And stop by White Sand NP on the way home.

I forgot to mention the three words needed to get in the good graces of folks in Alabama.....Roll Tide Roll!!!!!

You mean, War D@mn Eagle, of course. :)

Now you boys behave. You know how your Mother and I hate it when you fight.

Go to the UT El Paso website, check out some of that crazy, sweet, awesome Bhutanese architecture and give the new guy some love. It ain't Death Valley, but the Sun Bowl is pretty damn cool.
You have something against Dreamland? :biggrin:

Yes: all of their franchise locations. There's only one Dreamland, and it's in Tuscaloosa. But Archibalds (Northport) is actually better barbecue, and Dreamland is amazingly good barbecue.

But I was referring to Aubs... :wink:
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