OK, so, for some background, I've been shaving with a DE for close to 30 years now, but have always wanted to try a straight razor. I've been reluctant because I didn't know if I wanted to invest the time and effort into maintaing one. Plus, I dont think my wife would be to keen on me hanging a strop on the wall. Lowe and behold, after returning to this forum after a very long hiatus, I'm learning about shavettes, and I like the idea. Replace the blade when it's done, just like a DE, or cartridge razor for that matter. Easy, peasy.
What's not so easy, peasy is which one to get? I'm looking at Dovo and Feather. I think I'm leaning toward Feather, either the SR or DX. Is there any reason why I should consider the Dovo instead? Anyone here that owns both brands that can share your experience and thoughts? Any other brands I should be looking at?
What's not so easy, peasy is which one to get? I'm looking at Dovo and Feather. I think I'm leaning toward Feather, either the SR or DX. Is there any reason why I should consider the Dovo instead? Anyone here that owns both brands that can share your experience and thoughts? Any other brands I should be looking at?