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Tech vs. AS-D1

The Feather AS-D1 appears to be a clone of the Gillette Tech. The caps and base plates are so similar, I wonder if Feather intentionally chose to honor the old Tech with their modern rendition.

I have both, and both give me an easy DFS in three passes. Granted, the AS-D1 is larger, heavier, and better built, but the shaves seem identical to me. At least one other member here has both and feels the Tech gives better shaves. Does anyone else feel that way? Perhaps it is an illusion or wishful thinking because of how expensive the Feather is compared to the old Gillette (though my rhodium-plated Tech from Above the Tie was quite expensive, too).
Both give me BBS shaves with very little effort and no burn.

The stainless construction of the Feather makes it one I want to hold on to
Feather's AS-D1 does not work for me; however, Gillette's Tech works beautifully. I had my first Gillette Tech shave this morning and it was fantastic. The Tech cuts much more efficiently for me than the Feather.
I love the shave I get from the AS-D1 and the weight. I have not done back to back comparison, but it would be interesting. I have loaned my Feather to a colleague as I have been giving my adjustables a little love lately. I'll have to give it a try when I get it back.
Feather's AS-D1 does not work for me; however, Gillette's Tech works beautifully. I had my first Gillette Tech shave this morning and it was fantastic. The Tech cuts much more efficiently for me than the Feather.

Well, that's what I am curious about. The caps, base plates, and blade exposure and angle appear to be very similar, at least on my two examples. How could the Tech give a better shave?
I like both, but had to sell my Feather because it was too heavy. Built very well though.

Get's down to the YMMV issue. I actually like the weight of the Feather that is why I have neglected using my techs. But, as I stated above maybe I'll give them a back to back when I get the feather back.
I've been drooling over the AS-D1, but my tech head on an ikon bulldog is a pretty awesome razor IMO. Hard to imagine the AS-D1 giving a $125 better shave. I'll be content (for now) with my $50 Tech/ikon combo.
Having shaved now with both and having spent a bit more time thinking about the two razors, I am of the opinion, at least and perhaps only for me, that the Feather is a better razor in every respect except price: performance, appearance, substance, and quality.

The Gillette is nice, but it does not shave as well as the Feather (again, perhaps only for me). Perhaps this is a function of the Feather's greater heft and larger handle.

If the Feather were less expensive, I imagine there would be much less complaining about it and much more praise.

By the way, I paid $179 for my AS-D1 and $110 for my rhodium-plated Tech. I have never for one minute regretted the former purchase, but I have had a good bit of buyer's remorse about the latter.
I've been drooling over the AS-D1, but my tech head on an ikon bulldog is a pretty awesome razor IMO. Hard to imagine the AS-D1 giving a $125 better shave. I'll be content (for now) with my $50 Tech/ikon combo.

IMO that is the best set up for the Tech. It performs well with all kinds of different handles but the Ikon Bulldog has just enough weight to allow no pressure passes and is the right size in my hand to manipulate the Tech head. Imagine a Weber Bulldog would do the same thing. Have tried the Tech with the original Weber, Tradere, Durham, Laurel, BRW fluted, and Muhle Grande. The Ikon just looks and feels the best followed closely by the Muhle Grande and Tradere.

My Techs outshave my AS-D1 in closeness and comfort (because the Tech actually shaves my stubble, not so much when I had tried to get used to the AS-D1; the only pluses for the AS-D1 are its stainless steel and exceptional craftsmanship. If a Tech were made like the Feather, I'd buy two of them. I've found the Tech to be the best closed-comb razor I've used--the Tech will shave me as good as my Progress set to three (mine locks on #1);. For the record, I've never tried a Merkur HD or Slant Bar. The Tech is my go-to closed-comb razor paired with a Persona Med Prep blade.
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Zeppelinkarte: Do you feel the Tech's shave has improved with the Bulldog handle? I have a Jagger DE89 handle on mine and it feels better than the original; but, I'm open to suggestions. I really like the head on the Tech and get great shave from it. I've been thinking of getting a Bulldog for it. The Tech is the nicest fixed-head razor I've used. This 'rig' weighs 2.3 ounces with blade.

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Zeppelinkarte: Do you feel the Tech's shave has improved with the Bulldog handle? I have a Jagger DE89 handle on mine and it feels better than the original; but, I'm open to suggestions. I really like the head on the Tech and get great shave from it. I've been thinking of getting a Bulldog for it. The Tech is the nicest fixed-head razor I've used. This 'rig' weighs 2.3 ounces with blade.

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DE Guy: I like the Tech with the Ikon Bulldog a lot. The weight of the combined rig makes the Tech effortless. Can just drive it anywhere on my face. Have used a variety of handles with the Tech and I think all make the Tech a better razor. The only one I did not like was a Bob's Razor Works big fluted handle. Just overpowered the Tech head. The Ikon Bulldog to me is the perfect combination. Imagine a Weber Bulldog would work just as well. As I mentioned I have tried everything from the Muhle Grande to the Bulldog and like the later the best. However, I think your EJ handle works well. I used a EJ 89L handle once and felt it delivered a fine shave. The Muhle Grande is my second favorite set up. Its just that the original Tech handles are so light I press instead of using no pressure and it is ok but not the best. Also, the Tech fat handle does not fit my hand very well. I am waiting for the elongated Tech handle Ikon is going to reproduce again at the end of the year. That should really work well. It looks just like the Tech fat handle with additional length and weight in stainless steel. Should be the perfect match up. In the meantime it is the Ikon Bulldog. Hope this helps.

Zeppelinkarte: An elongated Tech handle Ikon sounds great to me. I do like the Tech with the DE89 handle--I'm not sure if the Bulldog would make a considerable difference--I know the only way to know is for me to try one. I don't car for the flared Tradere handle--just don't like the profile. I like the straight cylindrical shape on my razors, lines in the barrel are fine (actually, I like them). The look of the Tech with the Bulldog is beautiful--all business. If the handle were 3/8" to a 1/2" longer, it'd be perfect for me. I look at your photo and think, I may have to try this, regardless of the shorter handle length. It's really nice looking and has to have good heft.
The stainless extended Tech handle is shown below on the far right. For me, it is the perfect handle for a Tech head.
I've always found the fat tech handles just a bit to short for my hands. Also, the Feather Portable razor, fifth from the left,
is a great shaving Tech clone.

Update: I'm now getting somewhat closer/better shaves with my Tech. Perhaps it took me a while to get used to the shorter, lighter handle of the Tech. In a way, the Tech feels a bit like a toy. Still, I can't argue with this morning's shave...
The feather is so beautiful, I hope someday this ends up in my den but its so hard to justify the price when you can get a tech for a far more affordable price
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