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Taylor's cream deffect?

So, I bought a tub of Taylor's Almond scented cream. It is a little hard, not soft and smooth. But not so hard that I cannot get any out of the tub. I also cannot get a very long lasting lather out of it. I do have some pretty hard water where I live but I can get some good lather from other creams, like Speick. At first I thought it was just the hard water here but I got a great lather the other day from my Speick and had the best shave I have had in a while.

So, any suggestions? Is this tub wasted or is there anything I can do to revivie it? :confused1
Just because you get a good lather from Speick given the circumstances does not mean the same will happen with your Taylor's. They are different creams, and as such will require more or less water or mixing. I would suggest that you continue to try and make lather, working with it until it is just right, to get an idea of the amount of water you need.
Mine feels similar to yours, but I don't know anything about the mineral content of the water near me. I know that I need to use close to an almond sized amount - skimping leaves me with crap. You will probably get a feel for it eventually.
I always have to use more Taylor's than other products to get a decent lather. Even then, I'm not a huge fan...
I am blessed with soft water. An almond sized amount makes an insane amount of lather, which gives me a great shave. I am referring to the Rose scent and it is the old paraben laden version. If yours is the new version, it might be that you have fallen victim to the dreaded reformulation monster that many of our favorite products are becoming subjected to. :glare:
Although I haven't used the almond, TOBS is usually somewhat gooey compared to other creams and is one of the easiest to lather, so this sounds like you have a dried up tub. Not sure about reformulation, but I suppose that could be a possibility. Try stirring in some water -- maybe bottled water if you're concerned about hardness. I've never had a tub dry out, but others have posted on B&B that you can always add water to an aging tub and bring it back to life again.

Best of luck.
I just picked up my first TOBS the other day. A Mr Taylor. I got home, took the lid off, had a whiff, and ran right back to the store. I couldn't take it!!! Thankfully I hadn't touched the cream and the clerk was ok about replacing it with the only other 'flavor' they had - sandalwood. So I took it.

I must first say, that after having been unable to tolerate the Mr Taylor scent, the sandalwood is tolerable, but not very good. As far as sandalwoods go, it scores the lowest for me. It also has a chemically smell with it that seems even a stronger note than the sandalwood itself.

That being said, the cream itself makes a fairly decent lather. I couldn't complain too much. I found it wasn't quite as slick as a T&H, or Trumpers, but it was much better than many of the middle of the road products out there.

The smell though - I dunno - kind of cheap and factory smelling. I don't really like it. It will take me a loooong time to go through this tub of tobs!
theres a lot of variation in the consistancy of taylors cream. from very cream to quite thick. just use more water.

i also find that if you stir it up a bit (i used the end of a pen) it smoothes out a little
I've always had luck with stirring it up. Just don't use an icky pen, use a clean butter knife or craft stick (popsicle stick but you can buy them for crafts).
theres a lot of variation in the consistancy of taylors cream. from very cream to quite thick. just use more water.

i also find that if you stir it up a bit (i used the end of a pen) it smoothes out a little

As one who creates many samples from all of the different Taylor's scents, I wholeheartedly concur.
Taylor's quality control kinda sucks- I get variations of texture and scent in nearly every pot- it usually performs excellently though. One thing I did discover for me was that with my water (reasonably hard and with some iron in it), I have to use more cream than I thought I had to to get the lather I want, and I definitely prefer very rich and thick. Less still get's visually satisfying lather that just won't shave as I want it to. Try doubling or even tripling the amount of cream you use to form the lather and see if things improve- if they don't, no worries- you may find the cream is just not for you!
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