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Taylor of Old Bond St. Scent...

I wanted to try a new soap (so far, I have only used T&H traditional) and I saw the TOOBS on West Coast Shaving. I don't want a heavy scent but want something at least pleasant enough. Can anyone tell me about the scent of the Taylor Traditional scent soap? Will it fit in my T&H apothecary mug? And is it a good quality soap?

I know... so many questions.... soooo many questions...
Its a good soap with a light lavander scent. It is relatively easy to get a good lather going especially if you face lather like me. Also its very easy on the skin, no drying at all. Not sure if it will fit in your mug though, I bought the wooden bowl and it has a fairly wide diamerer. I also have the TOBS sandalwood soap and its excellent as well.
The soap's diameter is about three and a quarter inches. It is easy to lather, although hard water seems to affect it more than most soaps. I can't get mine quite as creamy as I like, but it still gives me a perfectly good shave.

Dunno about the scent as I haven't tried the Traditional.
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