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Talk to me about having a single brush per soap/cream

I'm thinking out loud here, but if you use a more floral/fragrant soap and a menthol based soap, do you have a dedicated brush for each? It seems that given the lingering smells on the brush after using a Proraso product for a while that it would be counterproductive to use the same brush for such olfactorily different scents.

What say the veterans?
Are you rinsing really well... including the interior of the brush?

It shouldn't have a hugely strong odor after you've rinsed well.
I find that, if I properly rinse and dry my brush after each use, there is no residual fragrance from the last soap I used.

After shaving, I rinse my brush in the warm water left in the sink, then I wash it out thoroughly two or three times, squeezing the excess water out after each wash. Finally, I reach into the shower and vigorously shake the brush until the bulk of the remaining water has been disbursed. Total time for this exercise, start to finish, is less than a minute.
Hi weargle, with proper rinsing after use and the occasional cleaning you can use any one brush for both soaps and creams of different frags and flavors.

The only reason I change brushes is, for the variety of different characteristics they possess.
1 brush for each soap/cream?!? That could get expensive in a hurry. :lol:

My thoughts exactly. I used the same brush daily for a little less than a year. I never had difficulties with the scent from the previous day's shaving product interacting with the current day's shaving product. Just wash the brush out thoroughly and even if a hint of the scent remains, it shouldn't interfere with anything.
If you only have one brush & use it with say Tabac everyday; then A) get more brushes. B) get more creams/soaps. C) give it the old vinegar soak & rinse - emsplace.com
The few people I have heard feeling that they need one brush per product are those who use deeply colored creams and complain that these creams stain very white tipped brushes. Examples would be GFT rose and violet, and TOBS rose. Personally, I have had no staining from these creams, but I do not have super white brushes.
I have 2 brushes. 1 boar brush for soaps, meaning Arko and VdH, and 1 badger brush for creams, meaning Noxzema and soon to be Godrej. I wash them out with warm/hot water after use.
As has been stated above one brush per soap/cream is not necessary. I personally own two boars, two badgers, and a synthetic and they've all been used at least once on each one of my products for the purpose of experimentation. Usually as long as I rinse them out properly there is no soap/cream scent left behind, however with a boar brush that residual smell may very well be desirable! :lol:

On the other hand...whatever floats your boat man. If you feel you want to have a different brush for each product AND have the money for it, more power to ya! Just be careful with SSAD and SCAD take hold and you realize you need to buy 25 more brushes :lol:
This sounds like an extreme. There are strongly scented soaps/creams that leave a smell behind, but as long as it does not detract from the *next* lathering, I don't mind. AoS sandalwood is an example, leaves the brush smelling mildly of sandalwood, regardless of how much I wash it after the shave. But, it does not seem to interfere with whichever product I decide to pick the next day.
This sounds like an extreme.
Agreed, it is totally unnecessary. The only cross scent pollution will be on the bristles themselves and only detected if held close to ones' nose. A nice side effect to see how the scents blend together or which is stronger, but has no effect on the next shave IMO.
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