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Synthetic Brush - soak?

I just get mine wet. I use the same process I would with a badger. Stick it in my mug with water while I put out my other tools.
No need to soak a synthetic: just wet it, squeeze/shake out excess water (if desired), and use. It doesn't absorb water like a natural fiber brush. Lots of threads on this.
Only synthetic I had was the Ecotools. It was soft and lathered fine, but was a little small. My favorite thing about the synthetic was you don't have to soak it, just wet it quickly and it dries quickly as well. When I get another synthetic, it'll probably be one of the Mühle silvertip synthetics - I've heard good things and there are some great looking ones. I'm sure the Omega you're looking at is a fine choice as well.
I just get mine wet. I use the same process I would with a badger. Stick it in my mug with water while I put out my other tools.

I used to do this when I had all sorts of brushes in my den. Now I only have badger and synth and I only wet my synth briefly before loading. This makes my cold water shaving much easier!
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