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SWMBO's opinion of some of my aftershaves

I get more unsolicited compliments from members of the opposite sex when I wear D.R. Harris Sandalwood than any other AS. Just tonight, one of my 15 year-old daughter's friends told me I smelled good and sure enough, it's the Sandalwood. I was telling my wife about it, and she said "Well, I like some more than others". So, I let my wife do a blind sampling of a few and here are the results:

Old Spice - "Nice, clean. Reminds me of my dad - in a good way. I like it."

Pinaud Clubman - "This one is familiar too - soft, fresh. I like this one too."

Tabac - "Mmmmm - sorta warm and spicy - clean. Definitely like."

D.R. Harris Sandalwood - "Not so much. It smells better on you than in the bottle, but still not my favorite. Something minty in there I don't like (WHAT?)."

Spieck - "Better; another familiar scent, but I don't know from where. Thumbs up!"

Ogallala Bay Rum - "Oh nooooo. My least favorite!"

TOBS Mr. Taylor - "Mmmmm yes - this is my favorite. Something fresh and outdoorsy about this one."

So there you have it. Everybody else seems to love the Sandalwood; heck, I like it. Go figger.

What do the ladies in your life say? Any differing opinions between you and her/them?
I'm not surprised. I like The Harris Sandalwood too but I can see how someone would be turned off by the powdery anise accord.
Good post. I don't use AS that often because my wife's usual response is "I can't smell anything". The one thing she can smell that gets a good response is the AV I cut with WH. Maybe I'll give the Mr Taylor AS a try since I like the cream.
My wiff is not as appreciative. Since I work with lots of women, I let them decide. They tell me anyway:lol:

Harris sandalwood is a thumbs up from girls in the office. More comments than anything else, and that bothers me at times when I wear something pricey. Who knew?

TOBS sandalwood, not as much.
Mr. Taylors is a pretty great scent and the cologne is a great combination.

My wife has never really commented on my aftershaves saying one is better than the other. She mostly pays attention to my colognes.
Bay Rum - "Oh nooooo. My least favorite!"

TOBS Mr. Taylor - "Mmmmm yes - this is my favorite. Something fresh and outdoorsy about this one."

This describes my sense of smell exactly. I also quite like Alt Innsbruck. I'm a fan of sandalwoods too.

I get the same reaction from my wife from all of my aftershaves (besides the unscented balms): "That reeks, you smell like an old man! Why are you not using that Curve I got you?" :001_huh:

I'm 25, and she is 4 years younger than me. She doesn't like any of the "classic" scents.
Actually the Alt Innsbruck got a "That's OK. I guess. I don't really like it but it's better than that other crap you wear..." :glare:

My wife is very picky. That's why she's with me! :lol:
SWMBO likes all of my *** and colognes with one exception. She points out that DRH Marlborough smells like wood, as if that is a bad thing (as if DRH Sandalwood doesn't or Bois Du Portugal doesn't smell like wood). I don't wear it when we go out, but I sometimes forget when we carpool.
Of the ones I have, and have tried, the only one SWMBO didn't like was TOBS No.74, which I didn't like either, it made me think of an old woman who had put on too much 4711
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