I went hunting at the antique malls today. Much to my dismay, there was hardly anything worth looking at. Lots of ratty old brushes, rusty straights, and a couple of injectors. I only saw three DE's. An old type (not interested) and a Tech (I have two). I did find a Pocket Edition with the basket weave style case, but the razor was mismatched to the case, I think it was a New, and the lining of the case was really moldy with the inner frame all rusted out. I almost bought it just to restore the case. Instead I decided to save my money and order an Aristocrat that had been on the BST but hadn't sold yet. So, while today's hunting expedition was a bust razor wise, I still got a great razor coming my way.
The day was still good. I got to spend some good quality time with my family, and my wife found a really nice cast iron muffin pan.
The day was still good. I got to spend some good quality time with my family, and my wife found a really nice cast iron muffin pan.
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