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Superspeed then vs. now

Have been at this for a few months now. I started with a Superspeed as my first DE razor, then a Fatboy, a Tech, and then a Weber and an ATT M1 and a Muhle R89. The vintage Gillettes were not my cup of tea, but when I got the Weber, a whole new world opened up for me. I guess the weight taught me to use less pressure. Reading a lot from the knowledgeable folks here seems to help a ton too. Not to mention, I have acquired better blades than what I started out with. I was using either a Merkur blade or a Feather. Not good with either. My pre-shave prep has improved as well. I say all of that to say this: my opinion of the Superspeed has changed tremendously. I used to think it ate my face up. Now, it is as mild as can be. So much so that I get better shaves out of my newer razors that are probably a bit more aggressive but nonetheless I feel that I learn something new every time I shave. Sorry for my incoherent babbling but I just wanted to share my thoughts. And thank all of you for the insight and direction here on this great forum to help relatively new DE shavers like myself.
As a noob it never ceases to amaze me how time and practice can change your opinion on certain things ie: razor, blade or soap. It's awesome to go back to something and really appreciate it the second or third time around.
What kind of blades did you switch to? I've been using almost exclusively Feathers and have been happy with them, but I wonder what else I should try.
What kind of blades did you switch to? I've been using almost exclusively Feathers and have been happy with them, but I wonder what else I should try.

If you like Feathers, here's a few you should try:

1. Polsilver Super Iridium
2. Gillette 7 O'Clock Black (Indian)
3. Gillette Silver Blue

All three of these blades are often said to be as sharp as a Feather, but smooth at the same time. Polsilver SI's are simply the best blade I've used to date. Personna Med Preps are usually mentioned in the same breath those three, but I haven't tried them myself.
The more experience you get the better everything else gets along with it.

Soon you will be able to shave with a broken bottle and get BBS in 2 passes like the rest of us old timers.
I used the Polsilver Super Iridium in it last night. It has been my go-to blade lately in all of my DE's. I also like the Astra's. Tried the Gillette silver blues and they were alright, not as smooth I thought. I also had a similar experience with 7 o'clock yellow and green, haven't tried the black yet. Feathers are to me like a lot of people say, good for the first shave, but I have better blades on subsequent shaves. If I had to stick with one blade right now, it would be the SI. They are sharp enough for me and quite smooth. Having said that, I'd be ok with the Astra's as well, the SI just seem a hair smoother.
Have been at this for a few months now. I started with a Superspeed as my first DE razor, then a Fatboy, a Tech, and then a Weber and an ATT M1 and a Muhle R89. The vintage Gillettes were not my cup of tea, but when I got the Weber, a whole new world opened up for me. I guess the weight taught me to use less pressure. Reading a lot from the knowledgeable folks here seems to help a ton too. Not to mention, I have acquired better blades than what I started out with. I was using either a Merkur blade or a Feather. Not good with either. My pre-shave prep has improved as well. I say all of that to say this: my opinion of the Superspeed has changed tremendously. I used to think it ate my face up. Now, it is as mild as can be. So much so that I get better shaves out of my newer razors that are probably a bit more aggressive but nonetheless I feel that I learn something new every time I shave. Sorry for my incoherent babbling but I just wanted to share my thoughts. And thank all of you for the insight and direction here on this great forum to help relatively new DE shavers like myself.

I really enjoy the "YMMV" part of shaving! I also thought that my Super Speed (Flare Tip) was a beast when I first started. Unlike Shortknock, I found that I really like my vintage Gillettes, and I rotate between a '68 Slim and the Super Speed.

I gotta agree that the Flare Tip has gone from seeming like a monster to an old friend since getting the basics down pat.

And yes - HUGE thanks to all who contribute here! :thumbup:
If it wasn't for you guys, most of us (certainly me) would have marveled at just how manly our forebears were willing to use such wicked implements in the name of a good shave (without ever knowing just how attainable that is) and stuck to a multibladed, can-o-goo torture routine.
Indeed, SWMBO thinks I'm crazy for not just slathering on some grocery store shaving cream and swiping away at my face with the flavor of the month multi-blade *** that they charge an arm and a leg for but at least I know there is a whole slew of other gents here who understand. Plus, I agree there is something to being able to use a razor that our grandfathers used (or a modern interpretation) and doing it the way they used to. I don't agree that "progress" is always a good thing. Sometimes it's just better to take the time to do things the right way.
Have been at this for a few months now. I started with a Superspeed as my first DE razor, then a Fatboy, a Tech, and then a Weber and an ATT M1 and a Muhle R89. The vintage Gillettes were not my cup of tea, but when I got the Weber, a whole new world opened up for me. I guess the weight taught me to use less pressure. Reading a lot from the knowledgeable folks here seems to help a ton too. Not to mention, I have acquired better blades than what I started out with. I was using either a Merkur blade or a Feather. Not good with either. My pre-shave prep has improved as well. I say all of that to say this: my opinion of the Superspeed has changed tremendously. I used to think it ate my face up. Now, it is as mild as can be. So much so that I get better shaves out of my newer razors that are probably a bit more aggressive but nonetheless I feel that I learn something new every time I shave. Sorry for my incoherent babbling but I just wanted to share my thoughts. And thank all of you for the insight and direction here on this great forum to help relatively new DE shavers like myself.
I like your gear. Now, you can start thinking about trying a slant.
Not really a noob, as I shaved dE many years ago, then went to carts, elects etc. Finally back to DE and happy as a clam. Luckily I found a 60's slim adjustable to start with, but now have versions of most types of vintage gillettes, although not all in great shape.
You won't need any other razor, but the Weber. They are fantastic shavers and stainless steel to boot. Enjoy the razor and your journey.
You won't need any other razor, but the Weber. They are fantastic shavers and stainless steel to boot. Enjoy the razor and your journey.
I will admit if I only had the Weber I would be well-off. Just like my other hobby, collecting/buying knives, I'm always in pursuit of something better even if what I have is perfectly adequate. I'm glad I have SWMBO keeping me in check or I'd probably have about 15 razors and nearly as many brushes by now, not to mention the plethora of creams, soaps, etc. At least, for the most part, I can justify shaving as something that a man must do to not have a beard. Trouble is, the missus liked me better when I had a beard to I have a hard time getting her on board with the various shaving supplies.
I will admit if I only had the Weber I would be well-off. Just like my other hobby, collecting/buying knives, I'm always in pursuit of something better even if what I have is perfectly adequate. I'm glad I have SWMBO keeping me in check or I'd probably have about 15 razors and nearly as many brushes by now, not to mention the plethora of creams, soaps, etc. At least, for the most part, I can justify shaving as something that a man must do to not have a beard. Trouble is, the missus liked me better when I had a beard to I have a hard time getting her on board with the various shaving supplies.

Your missus sounds like mine! At least once a week she asks me when I'm going to grow my beard back. Now that I've aquired 10 DEs in just a couple of months of wet shaving, along with a couple of brushes and a cream for every day of the week, I'd have a hard time justifying letting it grow back in.
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