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Superspeed Hack

Hey guys,

I've been using a 1956 B4 Gillette Superspeed for about a month. It seems not matter what blade I use, I get irritation, razor burn, nicks, and cuts. I fully understand the YMMV principle, but with as many great reviews as this razor receives, I'm surprised that I can't seem to get a comfortable shave with it. I use a Lord Premium as a backup and it's amazing compared to the Superspeed. I've used several blades with this razor including Derby, Bluebird, Astra SS, Astra SP, Shark Super Chrome, Gillette Goal, Gillette Silver Blue, and some others I'm forgetting I'm sure. The first thought would be poor prep or technique, but considering the amazing shaves I get with the Lord Premium, could this truly be a case of YMMV and I'm just out of luck?
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I'm not sure what to say other than you may want to stay with that Lord razor. The problems you describe are almost always the result of too much pressure. perhaps you have not found the sweet spot of pressure and blade angle to match up with the Super Speed. If you decide to stay with it just go very easy until your technique evens out. Just sayin.
This may be a dumb question - but are you sure everything is tight on the superspeed? It's a 60 year old razor and if the doors aren't closing properly all the way or they are warped a little, it could be leaving a larger blade gap than it should and this could cause the problems you mention.
From what I can tell, everything works smoothly and tightly. It's a very well built and maintained razor.
Yes, I've never had a quality issue with a SS. It was just a thought in the event it had been dropped or some such thing. Other than that, I'm at a loss. The SS has always been a great, fairly mild razor for me.
Derby? Astra sp? Shark sc? Those ALL tear my face up in a SuperSpeed, as well.

I personally LOVE Gillette 7 O'clock SharpEdge (Yellow), Personna Med prep or Lab blue also do well in my SS. I would give those a shot! IMO, you need the sharpest, smoothest blade you can find for a superspeed. I would say try a Feather, as well. Though Feathers and my face don't agree after the first shave :(

I'm sending you a PM....
See I have a 40's style superspeed and a I wanna say a 65 flare tip. i get great shaves out of derbys and astras with my flare tip. I get bbs shaves with the 40's style and shark sc's. Although I will say I haven't tried anything else in either.
Oddly enough I run the third pass with my '53 SS with the TTO turned a little open to increase the aggresiveness. I've tried the same blades and settles on IP Reds; Personnas in general work great. (For me.) Do you have any other razors to play with aside from the Lord? If not and it works well for you with the same blades the SS doesn't, the answer is plain. Not all razors work for everyone.

What color is the TTO knob? Does it help to rock it back more on the doors?

I've got a 57 flare tip that was my second razor after my Tech. I found the above to be true. After being used to my Tech, it felt like the angle of the SS was almost perpendicular to my face because it was rocked back on the doors so far.
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