I used to be an Old Spice man, then I met my wife, whose grandfather wore OS all the time, so while she has good memories of the sent, OS and Bay Rums are now a no go. I recently started using Speick AS, and LOVE it, not only for the sent, but also because it really works well as an AS. I find myself slapping it on all the time, but the sent fades away. I've been looking at the Speick cologne, but have read here on B&B that the cologne doesn't smell like the AS. Help! Can someone point me to a cologne that smells like Speick AS, or failing that, a sent that is complementary to Speick AS? I'm not very articulate at describing sents, but it seems to me like Speick AS has a peppery/sharp note with maybe...fern? underneath. Harris Arlington to me smells similar but with a citrus top note and more of an earthy/fern underneath. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I used to be an Old Spice man, then I met my wife, whose grandfather wore OS all the time, so while she has good memories of the sent, OS and Bay Rums are now a no go. I recently started using Speick AS, and LOVE it, not only for the sent, but also because it really works well as an AS. I find myself slapping it on all the time, but the sent fades away. I've been looking at the Speick cologne, but have read here on B&B that the cologne doesn't smell like the AS. Help! Can someone point me to a cologne that smells like Speick AS, or failing that, a sent that is complementary to Speick AS? I'm not very articulate at describing sents, but it seems to me like Speick AS has a peppery/sharp note with maybe...fern? underneath. Harris Arlington to me smells similar but with a citrus top note and more of an earthy/fern underneath. Any suggestions would be appreciated.