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suggest something "vintage" in which to put my Thayers AS.

the bottle of cucumber WH has a small piece of plastic to controll the flow, the AS however does not, and I seem to be wasting product, besides I would like something nice to look at on my shelf...would probably put the cucumber WH in something else too if i had two options

looking for some interesting suggestions, i'll look at all, but like post wwII to late 60's designs, but would consider deco 30's-40's


thanks in advance
See if you can lay your hands on one of the Old Spice Whale Tooth Scrimshaw bottles that they used to bottle some of the OS cologne.
Also look on Ebay and search for vintage barber bottles and perfume bottles. There's an endless variation up there and that's where I got my glass bottle. Another option would be to look at glass vinegar shaker bottles sold just about everywhere. They have a classic look.

This bottle has been sitting on my shelf just waiting to be used.


If you'd like it, it's yours for free. Just PM if you'd like to have it.

Thanks Chris, generous offer...! Will show it to swmbo, to she if she will "approve" it on the shelf...

in the mean time, what does one know about the "seaforth" vintage bottles and mugs I am seeing on the bay....I found a set of two bottles for about $25 shipped...I don't know much about this collectible
Sounds kind of weird, but you asked and started me thinking....:huh:

I have found many products at Trader Joe's and other small shops which are in great glass bottles that might work. I am now going to look for products in cool glass...
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