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Sudden break out...check my routine, help me pick a cream?

I've been wetshaving for about 8 months now, and have to say it's been one of the best changes in my routine I've ever made. I started having less ingrown hairs, better complexion, better shaves. I was really happy.

Then, about a month ago, I started breaking out in the shave area. This had never happened before, and I'm puzzled as to the cause. I shower, use TOBS Lavender cream with a brush, get a good lather in a bowl, and brush it on. I use a Merkur Classic, and I'm working through a blade sampler (could this be the issue?). I usually go with two passes, one N/S, and one E/W. This usually gives me zero irritation, a nice shave, and doesn't take a ton of time out of my routine. I use Nivea for sensitive skin lotion after I shave, but only about 1/2 of the time.

What's happening is this. Little sores that look like pimples, but don't "feel" like pimples. Trying to pop them just makes them worse. It's like it drives them deeper and makes them last longer. If left alone, they sometimes become weepy. And, needless to say, they're very unsightly.

So, could it be that I've developed an allergy to my cream? Need to do something else? I'm ready to buy a new cream, and was leaning towards Truefitt's Trafalgar, because I love the scent. But, I don't want to get something that's just going to make the situation worse. So, help me out, oh Swamis of the Shave---what should I do? I'm actually going to the dermatologist tomorrow because I'm so fed up with this, but would appreciate any advice that you can give.
Are you sure they're not ingrown hairs?

You might also be breaking out from not rinsing your face enough with warm/hot water, then cool water.

Just a thought.

Which blade are you currently using?

Did the pimples(road rash) start with a specific blade?

What is the order of blades you are working through the pack with?

Thanks for the reply. Definitely not ingrown hairs. I know those all too well.

The thing is, besides changing blades, I haven't changed the routine at all. I just started breaking out.
See what the dermatologist says. Could be almost anything. Ingrown hairs, stress, diet, dull blade. If you are using a blade that is different from the one that you were sucessful with, then go back to that baseline and see if the problem goes away.
Ummm...the Israeli to start, then Derby, then Feather, then Gillette. I had normally used Merkur blades, and wanted to branch out. I don't think that the breakout coincided with the use of any one blade----and if so, it's continued past the use of a single type.
Is this confined to a specific area, or all over?

I have a problem with going ATG on my jawline only at the area that is parallel to corners of my mouth. I can shave ATG every so often, but generally don't to avoid irritation and road rash look.

Also has anything else changed? Laundry detergent, bath soap, shampoo, etc?
An allergic reaction to a particular product can come on all of the sudden. You can use a product for years and simply develop an allergy to it one day. (We learned that from the allergist we had to take our son to recently). You may want to try using a different cream. I would think something unscented to see if it clears up. If you're getting zero irritation with your shaves then try not even using the Nivea for awhile. Just try to eliminate as many variables as possible, and one at a time so you'll know when you've found the cause.
New girlfriend?

A hike in sexual activity can cause such imperfections from the loss of zinc and higher activity of the sebaceous glands.

Popping some zinc can help even if this isn't the cause, but your dermatologist will undoubtedly be able to help you more than us.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Typically, when guys talk about an allergic reaction to a cream or soap, they talk about a burning sensation when they lather up, that starts before they start shaving (indicating it's not razor burn.) I haven't heard of this type of a reaction though, ... :confused: Seeing a dermatologist seems like a good idea. I'd also suggest changing creams jsut in case this is your body reacting to repeated use/exposure to the one cream. You could try Kiss My Face or Florena creams, or maybe order a soap from Mama Bear (her unscented, to minimise the chance of reactions.)
New girlfriend?

A hike in sexual activity can cause such imperfections from the loss of zinc and higher activity of the sebaceous glands.

Popping some zinc can help even if this isn't the cause, but your dermatologist will undoubtedly be able to help you more than us.


Nice thought.

first of all, stop shaving,

you will need to stop untill the rash is gone,
then i suggest you ask your dermatologist about an allergist and get tested, to see if you are specificy allergic to something, you would be surprised at some products used in some creams,

also check manufacturing date on all your creams and as a last resort, check your blades under UV light, they might not be as clean as you first thought,
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