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Such thing as overlathering?

I was fooling with some vintage blades cream and was lathering and experimenting and after prime lather was achieved, out of curiosity I continued to find that the quality of the later decreased with time. What gives and how do you get the perfect lather?
This was all within a period of about 5 minutes actually. The brush spinning never stopped, just after a point the lather quality just went downhill
I was fooling with some vintage blades cream and was lathering and experimenting and after prime lather was achieved, out of curiosity I continued to find that the quality of the later decreased with time. What gives and how do you get the perfect lather?

Your lather WILL dry out, it's just a matter of time. Good lather, not as quickly as bad lather.
Or, if the lather was extremely airy (bubbly), the lather virtually disappears when the bubbles start popping. In that case it was a bad lather to begin with.
If the lather has a thick quality, it won't dry out (or a least quickly). I've had good lather sit over night without completely drying out. Was the lather becoming more "sticky" or "breaking down" as you mixed?
Some products I've used - KMF comes to mind - require either more water to begin with or needs replenishment more often during my shave. Without adding water it does appear to break down but as soon as I add the water and whip, it's like new again.
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