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Stupid Q on Afershaves

Hello All

I have a very silly question... what is the purpose of using aftershaves? I currently do not use any aftershave - I do sometimes end up with razor bump and spots (which my girlfriend says are ingrown hairs) - will it help this?

Thinking of trying Old Spice - is this good?

As an aside, does anyone have the username for a moderator, as I would like to PM one?


B&B Tease-in-Residence
Aftershaves act as an astringent.

There are a few different mods you can contact: ouch is currently on.
Old Spice is very good, but if you go to Family Dollar they have a version for $2 (knock-off) that is more like the original Old Spice. Pretty much the aftershave helps heal nicks and cuts, and also tightens the skin (astringent). I would also try AquaVelva and Skin Bracer if I was you! :)
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