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Strange exprience. (aggressive vs. mild)

I shaved with my gillette LC NEW for the first time yesterday. It was definitely more aggresive than my DE89L. It was not exactly a smooth going shave (5 times used bluebird blade) but the results were amazing and there were no burn or cuts.

Well, today I tried my Gillette Millord for the first time with a fresh bluebird and it went incredibly smooth. I thought it was amazing while shaving as it felt very mild and glided with ease. Once I was done, I realized how much it tore up my face. I'm still burning 20 minutes later. Two minor cuts and I'm not even that smooth. I only did a few cleanup buffs.

Both shaves were two passes, WTG and ATG. The aggressive (LC NEW) didn't feel too smooth while shaving (maybe the old blade?) but the shave was epic. The mild (Millord) fealt smooth but the results were bad.

Anyone else experienced something like this?
Your two shaves have way too many variables. Different razors, different blade age. Most likely different lathers (lather accounts for a huge factor in comfort and protection). New LC is a fantastic razor. One of the best ever. In fact, sometimes many wonder why even shave with anything else. Try a new blade in it and go easy. It's not all that aggressive if your technique is good. It is very, VERY smooth. Milord is basically a glorified Super Speed, which is very mild. I find of all the vintage Gillettes I tried the New LC is the best. In fact I think it's better than 90% of all DE razors out there today. That's almost 100 years after its birth. I never experience roughness from this razor. Can't really talk too much of the Milord as my experience with Gillette TTOs is only with Super Speeds, which I like fine, but just do not get a good close shave with and have pretty much divested myself of them by this point. A New LC will always be in my arsenal, though. It is a mistake to consider it aggressive. It is almost the same as a Tech (just look at the two heads together from the side) with a little more blade exposure. Just enough to be that much better a shaver than a Tech (which I also love, but like Super Speed, I think it's way too mild for me to get a good shave without way too many passes). So, load a new blade of the same type into each razor and shave with both on the same shave (half face with one, half face with other and switch halfs on subsequent passes). Then the lather is not a factor and the blade is the same. Then you'll be able to know what works better. I think a New LC is an amazing vintage razor that still works better than most competition after 100 years of service.
I know there were varibles, I just thinks it's wierd how a more aggressive razor with an old blade gave a less painfull shave than a mild razor with a new blade
The TTO Gillettes might not be suitable for you. i can not use any of them without discomfort for whatever reason. i just can not get along with them.
You could give the Mildford a week's test run and see how it goes. Good luck.
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