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Straight shaving makes you better at DE shaving?

Ok so here is my story.

I found this place and started traditional wetshaving with a Tech. While still waiting on the Tech to come in the mail, I seen Joel's video and caught Straight fever bad. I had my first straight(a vintage Geneva) ordered the day I got my DE, and only shaved with the DE 4 or 5 times when my straight came in. I still wasn't very good at DE shaving. After my first straight shave the DE sat under the sink, abandoned and lonely. Now I am pretty comfortable with a straight. I haven't cut myself in a while and the shaves are pretty close (DFS).

Last night I went to shave and just for the heck of it I picked up my Tech. BBS in all but one or two small places. Where did that come from?!?!??! :confused1 I know that my prep has improved, and that may play a large part of it but still it surprised me how close and easy it was. There was a little bit of razor burn but really not very much.

Now I won't be giving up my straights, it is just way too much fun. But now I think I just might break out the Tech every now and again. I might even pick up a slant and an open comb to try out.
I was DE shaving for over a year when I got my shavette. Very unpleasant, so I went back to the DE. Tooled around with the shavette again, using it very cautiously and get good shaves. I use the DE on weekdays and while my technique wasn't bad to begin with, I picked up some straight-razor moves to incorporate into my DE routine, as well as understand more how my angle is going to reduce what. So yes, you do learn a lot. But you learn A LOT more going from a DE to a straight.

If one were to simply walk into the straight razor realm knowing what they know from cartridges, I feel they'd be turned off of the experience right away. However, start with a DE (it's called a safety razor because it carries much of the straight's same fundementals, but is safer. Hence, safety razor), learn the skill, and straight razor shaving is going to be a lot more pleasant. What applies for DEs applies double-time on straights: don't bear down, don't shift the razor sideways, always go in a straight stroke, and go slowly.
I'd say that your prep, lather and overall facial knowledge has improved, leading to a better shave in general. With those new techniques, you could probably bang out an acceptable fusion shave or two.
I would say definitely so! I am learning to straight shave at the moment and occasionally go back to the DE to give my face a break or when I am in a bit of a hurry and I find that my results are consistently better with the DE now.
I did DE for a yearish, Straights for about 6 months, then SE for another 3 months or so.

Now I'm back to DEs and getting the best shaves I have ever had. Easily as good as anything I got with my straight in less time, though the first few readjusting shaves were rough.
I've been working on my straight skills for going on 4 months now, and they are getting better, and the shaves are now enjoyable. I guess as my technique has improved so has that fear and hesitation about using a straight gone away. I get good consistent results with my straight, but at times when I don't have as much time as I like, I'll break out my Merkur 1904 and have a very nice DE shave. I don't see anything wrong at all with using your DE at any time. :wink2: :001_tongu
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