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Straight Made Me Re-Think DE

Ever since I started shaving with a straight (only been about 4 or 5 times) I've started to re-think the DE. I initially moved from the disposable to the DE (as most do) and then immediately hated the DE..it was probably just my inexperience but I could not keep from cutting myself no matter how careful I was about the angle and the pressure. I would get some good passes and then boom a bleeder (not even a weeper). So I dropped the DE and sent it to the darkness of my bedroom drawer along with my remaining Merkur blades (are these any good? this is what came with the razor, a Merkur 34C, when I purchased it at AoS) never to be seen again until I could sell it. I continued with the disposable happily until I got fed up with clogging (which I was always fed up with but really at this point it was the hay that broke..) and decided a few weeks ago to buy a straight. Have shaved my whole face with the straight a few times, only succumbed to a few cuts (when I hesitated in my fluid movement and let the blade linger edge-in-the-skin) but I've really gotten the hang of it.

Now where the title of the thread comes into play. Having to be so cautious with the straight because it's much more 'dangerous' than the DE has caused me to re-think my approach to DE shaving and I am going to give it another try this weekend. I also partly blame my lather because it simply wasn't very good (product or process) and I feel like the blade (both the DE and even the straight at times) wasn't gliding well.

So this weekend it is! First time with MWF and a second dance with my Merkur 34C.

edit: just to clarify, I have no intention of leaving the straight behind :)
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any B&M you know of I can pick them up at? or do I just have to order online?

also do you think the Merkur blades are subpar in edge-quality? is that perhaps why I cut myself?
Ever since I started shaving with a straight (only been about 4 or 5 times) I've started to re-think the DE. I initially moved from the disposable to the DE (as most do) and then immediately hated the DE..it was probably just my inexperience but I could not keep from cutting myself no matter how careful I was about the angle and the pressure. I would get some good passes and then boom a bleeder (not even a weeper). So I dropped the DE and sent it to the darkness of my bedroom drawer along with my remaining Merkur blades (are these any good? this is what came with the razor, a Merkur 34C, when I purchased it at AoS) never to be seen again until I could sell it. I continued with the disposable happily until I got fed up with clogging (which I was always fed up with but really at this point it was the hay that broke..) and decided a few weeks ago to buy a straight. Have shaved my whole face with the straight a few times, only succumbed to a few cuts (when I hesitated in my fluid movement and let the blade linger edge-in-the-skin) but I've really gotten the hang of it.

Now where the title of the thread comes into play. Having to be so cautious with the straight because it's much more 'dangerous' than the DE has caused me to re-think my approach to DE shaving and I am going to give it another try this weekend. I also partly blame my lather because it simply wasn't very good (product or process) and I feel like the blade (both the DE and even the straight at times) wasn't gliding well.

So this weekend it is! First time with MWF and a second dance with my Merkur 34C.

edit: just to clarify, I have no intention of leaving the straight behind :)

The multiblade razor was the pits for me. My face was always irritated the results were nothing to write home about. The DE totally solved my problem. I switched to straights just because I wanted to.

I agree with the poster who suggested that you upgrade your blades. Merkur blades are not your best option. My favorites are Medical Personna and Astra Super Platinum. Feathers are the sharpest. I would suggest trying one of these, or better yet, buy a blade sampler pack from one of our vendors so you can determine a personal favorite. The 34C is an outstanding razor.
I too started off with a Merkur 34C. Along with the merkur blades I bought both Derbys and Feathers. The Merkur blades are the worst of them all, for me at least they weren't as sharp as the feathers and they were harsher. The derbys may not be as sharp as the feathers and I still use them from time to time, but since I tend to go more than two days between shaving, the extra sharpness of the feathers suits me better. FWIW I almost always get little cuts and sometimes a little irritation from my DE, more so than I get with my straights.

Where are you located, there are some little shops in certain areas that carry some good wetshaving stuff but they aren't franchises. If you let us know where you are someone may be able to help you better.

any B&M you know of I can pick them up at? or do I just have to order online?

also do you think the Merkur blades are subpar in edge-quality? is that perhaps why I cut myself?
As others have said, ditch that Merkur blade if want a better result than round one. If your beard leans toward the thicker or courser variety, you will not get a good result with that blade no matter how good your prep/technique is (the razor is fine). All the blades suggested by others on this post are better, although I sense Derby's won't be sharp enough if your beard is thick/course. I'd also add the Gillette 7'O's (blue or black) to the list (I like the black's more but know some are contrary). Since your are used to a straight, Feathers might be a good option. Regardless, don't bother giving DE another shot until you get some better blades.
Where are you located, there are some little shops in certain areas that carry some good wetshaving stuff but they aren't franchises. If you let us know where you are someone may be able to help you better.

In Los Angeles, would love to pick some up tonight so I can shave with it this weekend. :)

i think straights gave me better DE technique

I agree, I think that'll be the case. I'm glad to know that the Merkur blades are so bad, makes me feel like there's still a chance of salvaging the idea of DE shaving in my head so that straight razor shaving can be my "My Time" shave rather than my every day shave.
ha daflorc, I have no intention of buying another straight (have Larry's sight unseen) because I'm getting one or a few of my grandfather's old ones in a week. If I like the DE with different blades then I'll have the DE as my go-to when I just need a shave and the straight when I have time to enjoy myself (it's too time consuming I think to ONLY shave with the straight, especially as I only have the one and I neither have honing stones nor know how to hone in the first place!)
As others have said, ditch that Merkur blade if want a better result than round one. If your beard leans toward the thicker or courser variety, you will not get a good result with that blade no matter how good your prep/technique is (the razor is fine). All the blades suggested by others on this post are better, although I sense Derby's won't be sharp enough if your beard is thick/course. I'd also add the Gillette 7'O's (blue or black) to the list (I like the black's more but know some are contrary). Since your are used to a straight, Feathers might be a good option. Regardless, don't bother giving DE another shot until you get some better blades.

The derbys might not be sharp if you have coarse beard and don't shave everyday. I have no problem with them if I shave everyday but I must say that the extra sharpness of the feathers is very nice.
You're posting this on the straight forum. So just take all the answers with a grain of salt. My two scents: Keep shaving with the straight. With a little practice you will be as fast and safe as with the DE and it's much more sexy ;-).
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If your lather isn't great, then spend some time practicing that even when you're not planning to shave. MWF is a great soap but some find it difficult to lather.
My lather is fine now that I had to adjust to accommodate the straight, it just was likely poorer back when I was attempting the DE (which was well more than a few months ago).
What do you guys think of the Gillette Platinums by the way?

and thanks Dave!

oh my god! so I shaved with the Gillette Platinum (not 7OClocks; http://www.j-duwe.de/Rasierklingen/1979 (Z) 5 Gillette Platinum India.jpg) and it was FAR AND AWAY a better shave than the Merkur blades..holy hell, I now love DE shaving..excited to get your sampler pack Dave and really find my favorite because this was incredibly fast and smooth..I can now officially leave all disposable cartridges behind forever!
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Loves a smelly brush
i think straights gave me better DE technique

THIS. I shaved with a DE for a month or two and then jumped into my straight. After only a week of straight use, when I go back to my DE I can finish a shave in half the time it used to take me (pretty much flying through my shaves with it at this point) with absolutely no nicks or irritation. I use PolSilver Super Iridiums and Astras depending on how I feel, by the way. Recommend both.
New guy chiming here with about as much experience wet shaving as Justin Beiber probably has. That being said, I too was having a hell of a time with my DE. Serious Razor Burn as a result of poor (what I thought was good) technique. 2 straight shaves, yes only 2, and I seem to be able to run my DE around my face like a race car. Something about a straight that seems to make one heed the rules (Angle, pressure and ninja like focus). Shaving with a straight made it all "click" somehow.

2 straight shaves, yes only 2, and I seem to be able to run my DE around my face like a race car. Something about a straight that seems to make one heed the rules (Angle, pressure and ninja like focus). Shaving with a straight made it all "click" somehow.

I was BLOWN away by the same thing..it's ridiculous..especially because I dropped the DE a long time ago out of frustration and after having used it the other day I was like "I've been missing out on so much!"
Ditch the Merkur blades and get some Personna blades, you will be in love with that razor once again.

wow...I used one of the Personna blades..so smooth..actually too smooth, I got a bit too aggressive with it and nicked my lip haha..but yeah love em..I'm hesitant to even try the Astras, etc. because the Personna was so nice!
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