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Storage of bulk blades

Hypothetically speaking, lets suppose someone were to be thinking of buying a 7 year supply of a particular blade, and 3 years worth of some other blade as well. Should this person be concerned about storage for such a long period of time as it will take to use up his supply of blades? Is chucking them in the closet next to the bathtub for an entire decade OK, or should they be kept in a hallway closet where the air is dryer? Would this hypothetical blade hoarder be way over the top if he procured a surplus air-tight ammo can to store them in, along with a few dessicant packs?
As long as they are kept out of a moist environment I would think them to be okay. Got a few years worth of blades in the same situation.
I had the same concern about a blade's "shelf life". I have a large supply of Feather blades in my dresser and I was paranoid about any moisture. So what I do is I have the packs of blades in a plastic rubbermaid-type container, sealed, and a few packs of silica gel thrown in there to absorb any moisture that MAY get in. The silica gel packs even have little indicator balls that change colour when they have absorbed the maximum amount of water.

I realize this is complete overkill as the Feather packs are already individually sealed in plastic, but it makes me feel better. :tongue_sm
I collect knives and have had most of them stored for many many years now. If I take one out and use it, the blade seems just as sharp as it was when I stored it. I do go into my collection every once and a while to clean and re-oil the knives. I also store them in a temperature controlled environment, so there is no moisture issue to be concerned about.

As far as the razor blades are concerned, I would think that if they are stored in a dry area in their original packaging and they are not jostled around, they should last quite a long time. If they are exposed to a moist environment, that's where trouble would begin.

I do not really see the purpose of storing a seven year supply. You might actually find something you like better in a year or so and then be obligated to use a substandard blade for six more years! That's what happens to me every time I have hoarded a supply of something I really like.

That said, I guess you have to do what you have to do. Resist the urge!

If you can't resist the urge, I would not recommend storing them in an air tight ammo can. You are locking in any moisture that happens to be in the air that particular day. You are better off leaving them so air can circulate, this way the moisture can evaporate when the air dries out. If you could theoretically suck out the moisture before locking them in an air tight can, then yes that would work. You might be better off sealing them in one of those vacuum freezer gizmos that suck out air, if you happen to have access to one. Other than that, I would recommend a cool dry place that has a fairly consistent environment.

D/E Bob
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Should this person be concerned about storage for such a long period of time as it will take to use up his supply of blades?
Not an issue. I have blades dating from the 70's that were stored under someones sink or else in the garage and they shave just fine.

I keep mine in a 4 gallon Costco soap bucket--the type with a blue plastic lid.
Just a seven year supply? My god man the shavepocalypse is upon us make it 14 years :lol:

Seriously the ammo can is probably overkill but if it makes you feel better go for it, I have about a 3 year supply in my medicine cabinet.
If you're really concerned about longevity of blades, think about all the 70 year old razors and packages of vintage blades that sit on a shelves in the attic or the basement somewhere and then are sold on Ebay.

Other than rusting (if they happened to be sitting in water for awhile), have you ever heard of any of these vintage blades deteriorating over time?

Stop worrying. Keep 'em away from water and whatever you do with them will fine over the long haul.

Jeff in Boston
It's always manly to find a new use for an ammo container...I have a few...and am now thinking about stoing blades in one.
Heres a pic of my high tech razorblade storage system, these bags are heat sealed, impervious to radiation, Ozone, Night emissions, etc, they are also Boilable and freezable.
Heres a pic of my high tech razorblade storage system, these bags are heat sealed, impervious to radiation, Ozone, Night emissions, etc, they are also Boilable and freezable.

That is really cool. I don't know if it's necessary, but it looks like those blades can survive anything sealed in there!
Heres a pic of my high tech razorblade storage system, these bags are heat sealed, impervious to radiation, Ozone, Night emissions, etc, they are also Boilable and freezable.

i always wondered how other B&B members kept their blades free of night emissions, but was always afraid to ask...
I keep mine in a cabinet in my bathroom. They are on their boxes and the unused packs of 5 are still in the plastic wrap inside.
As has been mentioned, so long as blades are kept out of moisture they should be just fine. Think zip lock type bag with the air squeezed out. Maybe throw in a dessicant pack. Also, it is good to move them around as little as possible to minimize dulling due to friction.

Some of our more shavepocalyptic members also stash them in tupperware with dessicant packs or surplus military ammo cans (air and water tight).
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