I received my order from St. Charles Shave of their New Spice products. I got the cologne, cream, and soap. Gave it a whirl this morning, very very nice stuff. I mixed up a super lather with the soap and cream, it mixes up to a good lather with a nice smell, not over powering. The cologne, just a couple of sprays, is really nice indeed. It seems like it has good lasting power.
Just a heads up for any member looking for something different, this might be worth a shot. The cologne, soap and cream ran round $30 bucks, not too bad. Shipping was $10.50, I think that's a bit high, but what are you gonna do.
Just a heads up for any member looking for something different, this might be worth a shot. The cologne, soap and cream ran round $30 bucks, not too bad. Shipping was $10.50, I think that's a bit high, but what are you gonna do.