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SSSR: Simple Standardized Shaving Routine

What are we going to do in this group?
I have been a bit passive myself with contributing to this group (besides providing my SSSR). One of the goals of this group is to discuss things that we know affect the shave despite sticking to the same routine. As we do not change our routine we better notice what improves our shaves.

One thing that was a game changer for me was supplementing with magnesium. I suffer from IBD (not to be confused with IBS) and because of IBD I do not absorb nutrition in the same way as other. My beard became so coarse that even Feather struggled to give one single shave. After beginning magnesium supplements most blade would work again and I settled on Sputnik.

I fully believe there are factors of our daily life that affects our shaving result. Besides daily life factors, we could also discuss techniques. As all hardware and software stay the same we will notice when a technique improves our shaves. For example "Gillette Slide technique", skin stretching, warm/cold shaving etc. If we would switch gear every shave we would not know if it made a difference or not.
I could fit in here.

Pre: Hot shower. I had an oil I would use, but when I ran out I noticed I didn’t really miss it.

Razor: I’ve had the same Robeson Shuredge for three years. Recently bought a Krupp just so I have a second when the Robeson goes out for a honing.

Brush: Parker Badger Brush of some kind. It’s the only brush I’ve ever owned. It works and I’ve never felt the need to try something else.

Soap: I’ve been using Sudsy Soapery for the last 3 years as well.

After: Sudsy Soapery After Shave Balm.

I don’t chase the perfect BBS shave. I do a one pass shave everyday and my growth is slow enough that I’m happy with that.

I started wet shaving for cost saving and less waste. The only thing that could make me happier is if I could find a natural soap and balm that didn’t come in plastic and worked as well as Sudsy Soapery. Even better if it were locally made and I could buy it direct from the maker.


On the lookout for a purse
Arko stick
Face lathered wit a Wee Scot
Henson AL13 Mild
Astra SP blade
Old Spice aftershave

I will occasionally use Barbasol in a can if I'm in a hurry and I have a TON of Personna blades to use up, but the above is the best shave I have ever had, my search is done, except I need to find a synthetic brush.
Arko stick
Face lathered wit a Wee Scot
Henson AL13 Mild
Astra SP blade
Old Spice aftershave

I will occasionally use Barbasol in a can if I'm in a hurry and I have a TON of Personna blades to use up, but the above is the best shave I have ever had, my search is done, except I need to find a synthetic brush.
Welcome to the club! I am sorry for responding so late, but as I am having my standardized routine and even entered the whole year 2021 restraint I have tried to stay away from B&B (and temptations). Please feel free to post about your progress of improving your shaves with your routine!


On the lookout for a purse
Welcome to the club! I am sorry for responding so late, but as I am having my standardized routine and even entered the whole year 2021 restraint I have tried to stay away from B&B (and temptations). Please feel free to post about your progress of improving your shaves with your routine!
I actually am giving up on the synthetic brush and just going to pick up another Wee Scot. This is by far the best my shaving experience has ever been. Going to try out some of the aftershaves folks are suggesting in the thread I started about something a bit more skin friendly than drugstore Old Spice. If this is as good as it gets I'm good with it but if I can get that last bit of comfort from something a little more soothing I am willing to try.


The Lather Maestro
I just got a Stirling synthetic and could see it being a daily user. And it’s cheap. I don’t qualify for use of soaps and aftershaves though. Same razor, blade (got 800 Gillette blacks) but have a bunch of soaps and creams.
I just got a Stirling synthetic and could see it being a daily user. And it’s cheap. I don’t qualify for use of soaps and aftershaves though. Same razor, blade (got 800 Gillette blacks) but have a bunch of soaps and creams.
If you know what you would standardize upon after you finished all your soaps and creams, I think it is close enough for joining.
I use the following everyday no matter what

1.Simpson T1 brush
2.Gillete Heritage Razor
3.Gillete blade

What changes
1.Aftershave every three days or so
2.Soap every three days or so (williams) has been my go too as of recent


ancient grey sweatophile
I have gone from my version of minimalist to being a repository of lots of stuff. For half a century I used one razor, the same blades, one soap, one brush, and usually one aftershave. I now have a razor (Above the Tie Windsor) with three plates (the original plus two copper), four brushes (two Kent daily drivers (BK4 and BKB4), a Simpson T2 for travel, and a Chubby 1 I need to ditch since it is such a shedder), two soaps (Martin de Candre Agrumes and Fougere), and five aftershaves (4711 cologne, Acqua di Selva, St. John's lime cologne, and Guerlain Habit Rouge and Vetiver cologne). I am pretty much committed to my mild copper plate, Gillette Silver Blues, and the two Kents. As soon as I am done with Agrumes I plan to stick with Fougere. I see no need for a travel brush; I'll just use a Kent. I do not plan to replace the two Guerlains if they are ever used up. I like 4711 most days, lime in the summer, and Acqua di Selva in winter. Every shave uses the same routine of hot water, lather, and three passes followed by shower and after shave. So I believe I qualify for SSSR now that my experiments with Agrumes and the regular copper and stainless plates have arrived at their conclusions, save using up the Agrumes, a tall order.
I have gone from my version of minimalist to being a repository of lots of stuff. For half a century I used one razor, the same blades, one soap, one brush, and usually one aftershave. I now have a razor (Above the Tie Windsor) with three plates (the original plus two copper), four brushes (two Kent daily drivers (BK4 and BKB4), a Simpson T2 for travel, and a Chubby 1 I need to ditch since it is such a shedder), two soaps (Martin de Candre Agrumes and Fougere), and five aftershaves (4711 cologne, Acqua di Selva, St. John's lime cologne, and Guerlain Habit Rouge and Vetiver cologne). I am pretty much committed to my mild copper plate, Gillette Silver Blues, and the two Kents. As soon as I am done with Agrumes I plan to stick with Fougere. I see no need for a travel brush; I'll just use a Kent. I do not plan to replace the two Guerlains if they are ever used up. I like 4711 most days, lime in the summer, and Acqua di Selva in winter. Every shave uses the same routine of hot water, lather, and three passes followed by shower and after shave. So I believe I qualify for SSSR now that my experiments with Agrumes and the regular copper and stainless plates have arrived at their conclusions, save using up the Agrumes, a tall order.
Welcome to the club!
My circumstances have changed a lot and I will be most of the time away from B&B. Maybe I might check in a few times a year. If you decide to join SSSR, do not expect me to welcome you anymore. Just keep this thread alive posting about your SSSR setups and your progress. Happy shaves, gentlemen!


ancient grey sweatophile
My circumstances have changed a lot and I will be most of the time away from B&B. Maybe I might check in a few times a year. If you decide to join SSSR, do not expect me to welcome you anymore. Just keep this thread alive posting about your SSSR setups and your progress. Happy shaves, gentlemen!
Be well, wherever you may be.
I always have the same setup.

Razor: Focus R48 (though R50 is in the mail).
Brush: Zenith black horse
Blade: Dorco ST300 HQ
Soap: Furbo Orange
AS: Aldi Ocean Blue
Change for the New Year:
Razor: Rockwell 6C
Brush: YaQi 22mm synth
Blade: Treet Carbon
Soap: LPL / MdC
AS: Tüff Herb
Always 2 passes: WTG+ATG, face lathered


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
I ain’t in this club, but I admire its purpose and the results its credo can provide.

I’ve been sticking with the same razor and blade most of the time all Summer and finding little boosts in technique here and there in closeness, ease of use, and (most importantly to me) comfort. Then, after reading and answering this post, I went back to my first ‘real’ brush. While not using my ‘favorite’ soap; ARKO!; a top contender has been used, but I’ve been loading the brush less and less and the shaves are either improving or leading the way to improvement when they don’t.

What I jealously admire about this club and its faithful adherents is that it’s the most materialistic club in the best possible way. You’re teaching yourself how to get the fullest enjoyment from your available shaving riches and not a superficial understanding of them.

Even in my half-bottomed way of “following along,” the results and the enjoyment grew.

I like it a lot and am thankful this club exists.
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