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Sports equipment collectors?


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I was going through my mess today looking for something and I came across this, which I had completely forgotten I owned. I bought it years ago when I was buying up lots of antique and vintage sporting kit, intending on building a "sports bar" in my house and using it all as decoration. Well, the bar never got built and a lot of the equipment got sold off on ebay, but I had forgotten all about this.

Obviously, it is an old baseball mitt. The thing about it though, is it says it is made in AUSTRALIA which, I'm guessing, makes it a very rare beast indeed. Baseball is seldom played here today, let alone when this mitt was made.

So, I guess my question to the Americans in the audience is; does this thing have any value? Is there a market for this sort of stuff? And, unlikely though it might be, could anyone shed any light onto the history of it. A vintage Australian baseball glove? That's like finding vintage Iraqi ice skates. :001_huh:



Nice glove.:001_smile I can't see for the life of me,why baseball fielders need gloves to catch a ball that is lighter and softer than a cricket ball.:001_rolle:001_rolle Real men use bare hands.:thumbup1:
it could even be a cricket wicketkeepers glove - which would help explain the Australia thing.

(or made to sell to the yanks here during/after the war)


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Nice glove.:001_smile I can't see for the life of me,why baseball fielders need gloves to catch a ball that is lighter and softer than a cricket ball.:001_rolle:001_rolle Real men use bare hands.:thumbup1:

I know! It's like playing football in padding!... Oh.... Sorry... :blushing:


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
it could even be a cricket wicketkeepers glove - which would help explain the Australia thing.

(or made to sell to the yanks here during/after the war)

Yes, wartime manufacture crossed my mind. The style is more thirties... But yes, it could have been made to sell to WW2 seppo sailors on R&R.
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