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Speick stick vs La Toja

Can't decide which to get for my dad for Christmas. I'm leaning towards Speick since it has more and is cheaper, but I want to make sure the stick is as good as the cream.

Thanks guys!
For me, Speick is much easier to build up a lather whether face lathering or bowl lathering. Hard water, dry climate, all that, and I know others have no trouble at all with La Toja. I love the scent of both, but I give the edge to Speick. There are others that lather even easier, but these two win out with the scent.
I think it comes down to scent since they both perform well. I think Speick smells like Polo cologne. La Toja has a smell like, well, La Toja!
La Toja by a mile. Speick smells and performs wonderfully, but La Toja is right up there with the best soaps that money can buy. Calani, MdC, etc. La Toja is right there with them.
I have both and for me it is La Toja from its great fragrance to the quality of the lather. My skin just feels the difference is the best thing I can say between the two.
I am surprised that this thread is leaning the way it is! I have and used both sticks - in my opinion La Toja by a mile.

The Speick stick isnt a bad soap; I would have PIF'd it had the performance not been as good as some of the other soaps I rotate But everytime it comes up in the rotation I have the same reaction; good lather/scent, but the post shave feel with Speick is decidedly lacking. That post shave tightness knocks off a couple of product points.

La Toja is a notch or two higher; great lather/scent, slick and a post shave feel that up there MdC and DR Harris. My skin feels great after using La Toja and that makes it a total package

When I use up my Speick it will not be replaced and when I use up my La Toja I will probably add 2 to the cart.
It sounds like Speick is what'll be under the tree for my dad this year. Anyhow I mis-read on La Toja. I was thinking it was only half an ounce buts it 50g which is about 1.7oz so the amount of soap you get it the same. Since Speick is good too, though, I'll just get him that. I don't mean to sound cheap, especially when it comes to buying family members gifts, but Dad's already got a few more things on the list from me and I'm a broke college student haha. I'm sure he'll be happy with Speick.
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B&B's Man in Italy
In my opinion La Toja is a superior performing soap and has a slight edge over all my favourite sticks, including Valobra and Speick. Ohhh... how much I love La Toja! :001_wub:
Order both- give them the sniff test and then give your father the one which you believe will appeal most to him. Keep the other one for yourself or for a rainy day.
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