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Speaking of crazy vintage prices

Its pretty, maybe thats the selling point??? Aside from the PAL Injector, its the only one I would not call freaking ugly :001_rolle
I haven't gone SE or Injector yet but... Thats a good looking Injector. I can't justify the price but if I was an Injector guy I could see it. It looks like its stainless and remarkably modern. If a serious injector guy bought it, Its not so much more than a Futur. Plus If it was me, its only money!! When I win the lottery I will have a stable full of these wonderful overpriced razors! Till then I soldier on!!!

I have a recently acquired type O, and it's a fantastic shaver, at least with the Twin Injector blades that came with it. Didn't pay nearly that much, though, and didn't buy on eBay. This is the first one I've seen come up on the Bay, so I have no other point of comparison. They are fairly rare, but still, the buyer and the runner up must really, really, have wanted one.
That has been the price point for a couple of years or so, at least for NOS. This one looked used, so maybe a little high... These are really rare. I bought a couple online from Schick back around 2000, but cannot find them. They are still in the bubble wrap the USA ones came in...Maybe we will see them some day..IIRC, I just kept using my old type N....

The big change in the last year or so has been that all vintage stainless injector blades have gone way up in price.....
I dunno...the old faux-ivory-and-gold injectors were pretty. That Japanese razor is ugly. :lol:

No accounting for taste, I guess. :laugh:

No accounting indeed. I think these are fine looking razors, but they're modern. It's a different aesthetic from the brass and bakelite of a type E.:cool:

Certainly no razor is worth $100 if you just want a good shave, but these are hard to find. That's probably because the people who bought them during their relatively brief production run are still hanging on to them. I was fortunate to find someone who would sell for less than eBay prices.
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