Finally scored 2 tubes of SOLO creams ,regular and menthol,from a generous doner in Croatia.These Hungarian made creams are just like Joe at Shaveabuck reviewed them,first class all the way !..A little dollop turns into a super thick ,rich and peaky lather,snow white and with a scent of "clean" in it. The formula for both is the same,except the menthol contains a very slight hint of menthol. I was using a 1963 Gillette adjustable set on 5 with a virgin Russian Perma-sharp loaded into it. The shave was extraordinary to say the least,absolutely a world class perfect shave .As sharp as the blade was,the SOLO lather guided it on a path that saw no bumps in the road,effortless protection .Lasting power is great,I had enough left on the brush for another shave,and I use 4-5 passes with and against the grain,so I had used plenty of lather,but the brush was still ready for more work.Sadly this is a really tough cream to find,it is a real bargain if you do find it..