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Solid Brass GEM Micromatic?



Picked up this lot from a flea market today and I bought it to throw in my display case of vintage shaving gear.

Any idea what I have here? Age / Value etc. I paid $10 for the lot and the razor blades look quite old too.

Razor says GEM Micromatic inside and appears to me to be solid brass. I'll bet this little beauty would look really sharp all cleaned up and polished.
(What do you call these single sided razors?)

This is an open comb Micromatic. The brass one is more uncommon than the nickel, but the cost is generally low on these nonetheless. Great shavers for some SE (single edge) fans, but for many this razor is one extremely aggressive beast.
No idea on the collectible value of the blades, although you probably wouldn't want to shave with them.

Collectible value on the razor, minimal, but $10 would have been a decent price for it by itself. Value as a shaver, excellent, although as c0ry indicated, they can be a little tricky. Definitely get yourself some modern single edged blades and give it a shot.

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