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Softness: Omega v. Semogue

Sorry if I posted this before, I couldn't find the thread.
I've only used Omega brushes, but I hear a lot of good things about semogue brushes. Are the softer than Omegas?
It really is a subjective view. i, personally, prefer the Semogues as the overall build quality is much better than the Omegas, in my opinion.
Good luck.
I have an Omega 49 and a Semogue 2000, and the Semogue is softer/floppier. They are both excellent brushes.
I can't say one is harder or softer, I can say that my undyed Omega seems to have more backbone than my dyed Semogue. Both have soft tips
It's not an easy question, as Omega and Semogue have different boar grade types and lofts. In my short experience a could say that:

- Semogue 90% tops hair (the softest one, used in 830,1305, 1335 and others) is once broken as soft as Omega banded hair in medium but high knots (say 24-25mmx55mm. knot like 81052/31052 model and similar ones)
- Semogue 75% tops hair (the scritchiest one, used in 1800, 1438 and others) is once broken as soft as Omega pure hair in short knots or big ones like Professional series

But there are some other differences appart from softness:

- Semogue needs more time to break in than Omega, which are usually almost ready to use from new.
- Semogue brushes seems more denses compared to Omegas with the same knot size and they "blows" like badger brushes (Omega not)
- Semogue are usually more foam hunger than Omegas with the same knot size.

But I repeat, this is only my small and particular experience with some brushes, probably some people could have different opinion.

It's not an easy question, as Omega and Semogue have different boar grade types and lofts. In my short experience a could say that:

- Semogue 90% tops hair (the softest one, used in 830,1305, 1335 and others) is once broken as soft as Omega banded hair in medium but high knots (say 24-25mmx55mm. knot like 81052/31052 model and similar ones)
- Semogue 75% tops hair (the scritchiest one, used in 1800, 1438 and others) is once broken as soft as Omega pure hair in short knots or big ones like Professional series

But there are some other differences appart from softness:

- Semogue needs more time to break in than Omega, which are usually almost ready to use from new.
- Semogue brushes seems more denses compared to Omegas with the same knot size and they "blows" like badger brushes (Omega not)
- Semogue are usually more foam hunger than Omegas with the same knot size.

But I repeat, this is only my small and particular experience with some brushes, probably some people could have different opinion.


Great response, my experience has been similar. My Semogue 2000 took longer to break in, but the Omega 48 was soft right out of the box. Both are great brushes, especially for bowl lathering.
Despite being a boar lover I was late to the Semogue party for several reasons; there was no vendor near where I could see them before I bought one, and I really prefer buying like that, and Semogue's smallest brushes still have 50mm loft size which is the absolute maximum loft size I buy. Another reason are the wooden handles (all my brushes with falling-apart-troubles had wooden handles too) but I had to try some in the end.

I ended up with a 1520 and a 1438, the same knots with different handles, and despite all the stories about a longer break-in period I found them almost ready for use right out of the box. Compared to the 40033 and the 10019 from Omega (they have rather similar knot/loft sizes) the Semogues are softer and have less backbone. In my opinion they are in between the almost floppy Vulfix boars and the Omegas. The often mentioned long break-in is something I will have to wait and see; as my 1520 is now (after 8-10 test lathers and 2 real uses) I don't really look forward to an even softer brush. It isn't denser either but the hairs are finer for sure.

I definitely was expecting something more spectacular after all the threads on Semogue here but they are a nice pair of brushes and when you like boars you should give them a try. Not the top of the line imo but well made brushes that could have come from the 60's; no-nonsense working class quality. And yes, they are a bit softer than the Omegas I mentioned. The verdict is still out but for lathering qualities I think I prefer the 40033 by Omega, but not by much and to be frank; I should get some more use out of my Semogue before giving a final verdict.
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