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Soap on a Rope?

My wife asked me to pick out a little shaving item that she could give me from my daughters. She then said they used to give her dad soap on a rope every year. I thought that was funny and nostalgic so I agreed. Does anyone have a preference?
This seems like it might be the place to meet all your soap-on-a-rope needs. No affiliation, never used soap on a rope, etc.
I always thought "soap on a roap" was a joke about the wisdom in not bending over in a prison shower. I had no idea it was a real product. You learn something every day!
Musgo Real has a great soap-on-a-rope! Excellent stuff, highly recommended.

Bronnley also have a very fine selection of soaps-on-a-rope.
I used to buy Brut soap on a rope for my dad years ago. I had no idea anyone made that, let alone so many brands. Thanks for bringing back some good memories.

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