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Soap Containers: Cade, Panna Crema, Karite, Haslinger

Just wanted to share with some excellent containers that I have found at Container Shop.
They are made of metal and come in various different sizes that fit.
L'Occitane Cade
Institute Karite
Panna Crema




The largest one is the same size Mike uses for his soaps.
Haslinger's container is small (so is the soap) and deep which makes it kind of hard to load especially with big brush. So I am planning to get another larger but shallower container (same as Karite) for that soap.
Nice find! Looks like I will have to make a trip there soon before my Mikes soaps come in. Much closer than Ikea! How much was the large one you used?

Thanks Ridnovir for the great find!
Nice containers. You'll probably have to flip the Cade puck upside down -- or chase it around the tin when loading your brush :laugh:.
Or just have a separate bowl or mug that you pull out before you start the ritual and after just store them in it.

Thanks again! Prices are awesome!
I've been using those with several of my soaps for about a year - one thing to mention is they do have a tendency to rust around edges so make sure to let dry before putting soap away.
Nice tins.I like the way a tin looks also. Although I leave my Haslingers open to the air to mellow out the scent(Sheeps Milk and Meeresalgen[good soaps too!]).
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