williams sonoma has a "french soup bowl" that is very nice. a little large. walmart has a mainstays "sugar bowl" that is amazingly made in usa for like 2 bucks. good fit for most soaps but cade is too big. my favorite is the one that comes in the vander hagen "shave kit" box. it is by liquid logic but made in china. i think all of these are nicer than what you can get as actual shaving bowls from the big companys. i did not know if these were mentioned before so i thought i would. sorry if this is all old news. the best bowl i had was an incense burner from walmart made in india or mexico. very nice but i broke it. they no longer have it but you can get them on the net. they are very small but if you melt the soap they are perfect. btw, i have nothing against were something is made as long as it is nice quality. i was just stating the origin.