Ok, cheap trick, I should have said apple cider vinegar, actually just vinegar. No, this is not crazy. I was speaking to a friend of mine who restores radiators and quite familiar with corrosives etc for getting stuff off metal. I relayed to him how I wanted to clean an old razor for possible replating in as non-invasive yet effective way as possible. Here is what he suggested to me: bring a pot of water to a boil and drop the razor in keeping it there till sometime after the water again breaks boil. At this time with tongs remove the razor and immediately drop into a cup of vinegar and let it set there for several hours. He says the heated razor when in contact with the vinegar has a special chemical cleaning action that is hard to duplicate. He said it was a lot safer than muric acid, but that if it didnt work with a scrubbing afterwards that we could try something harsher. I thought it was interesting, and something anyone could try without risk to their razor.
So .. if it hasnt been mentioned before I thought it would be worth sharing.
So .. if it hasnt been mentioned before I thought it would be worth sharing.