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So, um ... what did I buy?

I won a lot of 3 vintage gillettes on e-bay yesterday.

Here's the auction link:


I didn't expect to win, but I threw down b/c I was interested in the open comb. Any idea what the others are? I'm new to all this so my ID skills are lacking--my first and (currently) only DE is a Merkur 1904.

Anyhow, if these other two razors are halfway decent, I think I may gift them to my brothers-in-law for X-mas, see if I can get them interested.

Oh, and any specific recommendations on clean-up/minor restoration for these bad boys (provided they're worth cleaning up, of course ...)


Beat me out for the deal of the day looks like. Looks like a '50s style Super Speed on the left, the other I'm not sure of. Just tried out my '58 SS today, smoooooth.
Thanks for the IDs, gentlemen.

But now this creates a new problem ... if they're all actually nice razors, rather than just decent, and they clean up well, I might find it difficult to part with them ... then I'll have to buy more for the brothers-in-law, while my own collection (which I swore I would not have--just a couple is all) grows ...

It's already happened with the aftershave and soap. I may need a new shelf.

Alas. The curse of a lucky deal ...
ID's are correctly listed above. The bar handled Gillette NEW is from the 1930's, and it is the long comb version. My first open comb was one of these, they're a great shaver. The Super Speed and Slim Adjustable will be able to be dated once you clean them up (date codes on the bottom tell year and quarter- the Super Speed is a 50's style, made from 1954 to 1966), see the Wiki for the listings.

Scrubbing Bubbles and an old toothbrush should handle the newer two, the open comb may take a bit more work, but not by much. BTW, Scrubbing Bubbles has the same anti-pathogen as Barbicide, so though the latter a great product, it may be redundant here. (Can't soak as long in Scrubbing Bubbles without damage though).

I used Never Dull on my NEW, but the gold was pretty well all gone. The cap came out copper. The handle, brass. Here's some before and after shots of mine.



Thanks for the IDs, gentlemen.

But now this creates a new problem ... if they're all actually nice razors, rather than just decent, and they clean up well, I might find it difficult to part with them ... then I'll have to buy more for the brothers-in-law, while my own collection (which I swore I would not have--just a couple is all) grows ...

It's already happened with the aftershave and soap. I may need a new shelf.

Alas. The curse of a lucky deal ...

Lol... BTW, I started with the Merkur 1904 too. I think those of us drawn to them have a predisposition towards vintage razors. I got mine on Sept. 1st. And lots on the 'Bay like this is how I ended up today owning over 80 razors!

The '50's style Super Speed is a great shaver. I used one for the first time yesterday (1954) and today (1964).


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Great buy on some Gillettes. Nice gesture to give the two away but I'd try out that Super Speed before gifting to the brothers-in-law if I were you . . . although ya might just end up keeping it!
I'm glad a fellow B&Ber got them, you beat me out stinker! [just kidding!]
Congrats and that Slim Adjustable may turn out to be one of your favorite shavers. They always seem to deliver a great shave once you find the setting that is right for you.
I'm glad a fellow B&Ber got them, you beat me out stinker! [just kidding!]
Congrats and that Slim Adjustable may turn out to be one of your favorite shavers. They always seem to deliver a great shave once you find the setting that is right for you.

I was wondering if another B&Ber was bidding ... I wish I could say I'm sorry for beating you out, but I'm not:wink:

They just arrived today, and I gave them an initial soak-n-scrub with Simple Green--they look great already, and I can't wait to try the NEW tomorrow!

I'll post cleanup pics when I get the camera sorted.
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