I spent this morning getting across town to the sorting office to pick up the shaving kit I'd ordered. The weather's pretty miserable but I was buoyed up by the prospect of opening the parcels when I came home. It was all a bit of a let down.
Of four items I ordered with one Amazon supplier two were incorrect - a nickel plated brush stand was supplied in chrome, the brush supplied was not the one I ordered, and the nickel plated razor stand will go back if a replacement brush stand isn't available. They did manage to get the Trumper sandalwood deodorant stick correct - pretty shabby for a £70 order.
Fortunately the cologne (also Trumper sandalwood) I ordered from another supplier is in good order.
Of four items I ordered with one Amazon supplier two were incorrect - a nickel plated brush stand was supplied in chrome, the brush supplied was not the one I ordered, and the nickel plated razor stand will go back if a replacement brush stand isn't available. They did manage to get the Trumper sandalwood deodorant stick correct - pretty shabby for a £70 order.
Fortunately the cologne (also Trumper sandalwood) I ordered from another supplier is in good order.