I've worked my way through a WCS sample pack, and I'm left with a shaving conundrum.
There's not the perfect blade in there.
My desires are fairly simple. Smooth, sharp, and good for at least 2 shaves. Is there a brand I'm missing?
It's amazing to think about it, though. In high school (and I had wire for beard hair even at 16) I could get a Gillette Super Stainless to last ten shaves without a blink. My single Spoiler is on shave 9 and finally starting to fade. What has changed so much?
There's not the perfect blade in there.
- Feathers are sharp as hell, but rough. Even corking doesn't smooth them to my liking. I can get 4 shaves, but none of them are clean and smooth like they should be.
- Iridiums are smooth, but not as sharp as a Feather. 2 shaves is my average.
- Red IPs and Crystals are essentially Iridiums.
- Astras and Lords are a step below Red IPs, Crystals and Iridiums.
- Gillette 7 o'clocks are essentially Astras.
- Sharks of either flavor are hit and miss.
- Nacets and Sharps are good for one shave, and one only.
- Dorcos and Merkurs are barely acceptable.
- Derbys and Bics are junk.
- House-brand ASRs are right there with Astras, just not good for as many shaves.
My desires are fairly simple. Smooth, sharp, and good for at least 2 shaves. Is there a brand I'm missing?

It's amazing to think about it, though. In high school (and I had wire for beard hair even at 16) I could get a Gillette Super Stainless to last ten shaves without a blink. My single Spoiler is on shave 9 and finally starting to fade. What has changed so much?