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Smoothest blade around?

I've worked my way through a WCS sample pack, and I'm left with a shaving conundrum.

There's not the perfect blade in there.

  • Feathers are sharp as hell, but rough. Even corking doesn't smooth them to my liking. I can get 4 shaves, but none of them are clean and smooth like they should be.
  • Iridiums are smooth, but not as sharp as a Feather. 2 shaves is my average.
  • Red IPs and Crystals are essentially Iridiums.
  • Astras and Lords are a step below Red IPs, Crystals and Iridiums.
  • Gillette 7 o'clocks are essentially Astras.
  • Sharks of either flavor are hit and miss.
  • Nacets and Sharps are good for one shave, and one only.
  • Dorcos and Merkurs are barely acceptable.
  • Derbys and Bics are junk.
  • House-brand ASRs are right there with Astras, just not good for as many shaves.

My desires are fairly simple. Smooth, sharp, and good for at least 2 shaves. Is there a brand I'm missing? :confused1

It's amazing to think about it, though. In high school (and I had wire for beard hair even at 16) I could get a Gillette Super Stainless to last ten shaves without a blink. My single Spoiler is on shave 9 and finally starting to fade. What has changed so much? :confused1
Your face/beard seem pretty demanding! The Astras, Feathers and Iridiums work pretty well for me.

Of course everyone is different, but based on my experience, you may also want to give Bluebirds a shot. To me, their sharpness falls somewhere between Astra Platinums and Feathers, but they are smoother and more forgiving than Feathers. Mine last about 4-5 shaves.
Geez. I'd go with Iridiums, Red Packs and Crystals and pick the cheapest.

And you didn't say - what razor?


B&B's Man in Italy
I do consider the Red IPs the smoothest blades on the market.
They are actually my favourite DE razor blades.
I also like the Personna Platinum blades, which are very close in quality and performance to the Israeli Red Pack Personna.
Also, I recently ordered some Shark Super Chrome blades and want to try these as soon as I get them.
The Shark Super Chrome have a lot of fans here on B&B and are considered by many wet shavers as being very smooth and very sharp blades.
Of everything out there, I'd say the Gillette Spoiler blades of yore are the smoothest.

Of the ones currently produced, I'd say red Personna or SuperMax Platinum.
try an injector with schick blades, these blades are thicker than a DE so it mows down any whisker. These are the sharpest and smoothest blades ive ever tried.
I would recommend using a Feather in a Slant or a Fatboy - both provide very smooth shaves for me. Bluebird or Kai blades are also a step below the Feathers.

Good luck!
Finding the right blade is ultimately your decision. I am a relative newby but I have had great shaves with the relatively inexpensive Derby and Israeli Red Personnas. I want more experience before I even try the Feathers. I tried the Bic and Lord blades but they just were not good for me. Best of luck and don't give up.
What razor are you using?

I think that Iridiums are the smoothes and forgiving
Feathers are smoother if you know how to use them properly!

Try a Muhle or EJ razor with an Iridium or Feather. It's my perfect combo.
And I'm looking for the same as you do. Smooth shaves!
I've been using a Travel Tech or a Slim Adjustable. I've been playing with the Slim's settings and always come back to 3 for the best shave.
Of course YMMV.

Astras for me because they are sharp, smooth and I get 4 shaves out of them.

Found a Beauty Supply store that sells them to me for $9/100.:001_cool:
try an injector with schick blades, these blades are thicker than a DE so it mows down any whisker. These are the sharpest and smoothest blades ive ever tried.

A very good suggestion. I would also add a GEM 1912 with a SE blade that Ted Pella sells.
I find that the Russian Gillette Platiniums give me the best balance of sharpness and smoothness, although I have seen them described as Iridium clones !

I would agree with you re: BICs and Derbys :cursing:
Wow! You certainly have tried a variety of blades. From a newbie (what do I know) - I would try those combinations in a different razor if you are experiencing that much disatisfaction. Every one is different. I use Derbys with my Merkur HD and I get consistant shaves without irritation. I change my blade once a week and I shave every day. Some days I do 2 passes - some days I do 3. It depends on my mood and time allowed. Keep in mind, I have only been DE shaving for 3 months. So, take my advice with a grain of salt. But I think I am doing pretty darn good!

Wow! You certainly have tried a variety of blades. From a newbie (what do I know) - I would try those combinations in a different razor if you are experiencing that much disatisfaction. Every one is different. I use Derbys with my Merkur HD and I get consistant shaves without irritation. I change my blade once a week and I shave every day. Some days I do 2 passes - some days I do 3. It depends on my mood and time allowed. Keep in mind, I have only been DE shaving for 3 months. So, take my advice with a grain of salt. But I think I am doing pretty darn good!


I used the Adjustable from 14 to 23, it got lost in a move, and then I found another of the same vintage. It's likely not the razor- it's always worked for me.

The one that makes the Adjustable sing is the Spoiler, but those go for $1 a pop on EBay.
Current production: Iridium Super, Gillette Yellow, Red IP.

NOS: Wilkinson Light Brigades, Schick Plus Platinums, Personna 74's.
I was thinking that you should definitely play around with razors as well. The older blades were great in reasonably mild razors but some of the newer ones do struggle. Have a look at getting yourself something like a Slant. A different razor can make a blade that you'd previously discounted feel great.
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