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smart TV wifi connection issues

My wife and I have a "smart TV" in our bedroom. It allows us to watch tv and also to connect to sites like Netflix. Well, it's supposed to allow us to do so. It rarely receives the wifi signal from our router. I know wifi is getting up there, as my wife's iPad and my cell phone both register the wifi signal when we put them next to the antenna on the tv. Any suggestions for a quick, inexpensive fix? If it matters, we have the ASUS RT-N16 wireless N300 router.

By a cheap wifi router and (1) put it in repeater mode in the bedroom or (2) if the TV has a ethernet jack set the router up as a wireless bridge


System Generated
as nice as wifi is, i hardwire all my devices. WDTV's, Routers, CPU's, anything I can.

the wifi connection slows down the PC if you are streaming a bunch of stuff to TV's and stereos. hardwired is much more reliable, cheap and faster speeds.
we have a "dumb" TV and no issues with it other than having to move the rabbit ears every other once in a while :letterk1:



System Generated
Hardwired? Is that running a cable from the tv to the router? What about something like this?


not sure. we have the PC set up, with the router, and all boxes (WDTV's) are beside the TV's in various places in the house, and have cat5 cables strung to the router. some some of the cables are 50'plus, but it's much more reliable and was possible with duct work, open ceilings in basement etc.
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