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Slant / Open Comb

I have been using a Progress now for almost a year, and I now find myself with very few days where I have a weeper, and fewer days where I feel any burn or irritation. So thats good. I have lesser burn if I turn the setting up to aggressive (on 4 most days).

I am however always red on the bottom part of my neck, and here I also have the hardest time getting rid of the whiskers. I have mapped the growth, tried every angle, pressure, lather, you name it, but it is just my tough to get spot. This is regardless of the progress setting.

I read a thread in here some time with an advice to someone with the same problems I face. The advice was simply: try an open comb.

I have lurked around the review section, and seen that maybe a slant (or straight), may do the trick.

So, in your opinion, which should I try: Open Comb, Slant, Straight, or something completely different?


I used to have trouble there, as well, right below the adam's apple and around to either side. I managed to get past it with skin-stretching. I hold the skin on my clavicle (on the side I'm shaving) and turn my head to the opposite site and raise my chin a little bit. Flattened everything out. Worked wonders.

I suppose if you've already tried this, the open comb would be my next suggestion.
Hope it helps,
-- Chet
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