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Six Shooter Brushes

I have been trawling the net for something a little unique in relation to brushes. Many of the handle designs I find quite bland and unattractive. So in my never ending search I came across these and was wondering if anyone had any experience with them???


These are interesting niche brushes, definitely not for everybody though. Even though I enjoy my guns, I don't need them invading my shave den.
On a personal note, i found then distasteful though one may consider these as the manifestation of Isaiah 2 verse 4.

I wouldn't drop these or a tile floor or my toe, to be honest, the price is outrageous in my opinion. You can get a very, very nice custom brush and probably choose a top if the line knot to go with it.
I actually like the design, but could get a good simpson brush for the price they want for these things...

i just wonder how good the knot is in it...
I liked the idea, if there was a larger knot in them, then I'd probably get one.
The 20mm knot from the picture looks small and seems to be set at a floppy loft.

They also have other brushes that they offer as a 24mm knot set at 55mm, which is still a little floppy but the specs are pretty good.
Agreed that the loft seems to be set too high (for my tastes anyway). The cylinder looks like it's well built/solid.
Looks like the knot actually screws out of the cylinder...anyway a bit too gimmicky for me.
I dig my S&W wheel gun but I'm not going near these. Plus it would probably be a bit weird to rub your face with what would be the business end of 6 rounds.
I've seen them before. I think one of our vendors carried them for a bit. As I remember, the lofts were too high for me. They would be a cool conversation piece, but there are too many other brushes I'd rather have for that price.
I'm pretty sure I'm the only B&B member that owns one. It's heavy, but not so heavy that it's awkward. It's not as floppy as it looks, but it could definitely stand to be set lower and have different options for knots. I use it at least once a week in a pretty steady rotation. It's a good brush, but I only paid $50 with mine thanks to a gift certificate.
Being a retired police officer, who spent many years carrying a revolver before my department switched to the auto, I like this look. However I'm not prepared to spend the money asked for this novelty type brush that may of may not see much use should I get one.
Thanks for the opinions guys, its out of my price range but I still find it a cool concept. Im being pretty fussy when it comes to a brush and especially the handle.


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Ugly / Hideous - no place in my den - YMMV

Agreed. I can't stand them.

These threads pop up every once in a while and I have never seen the fascination with them.

I guess if you are a gun guy, they might appeal more and look nice on a shelf.
I think its a neat idea, and I am a gun guy I suppose, but a small diameter brush set at too high of a loft generally. They screw out and are interchangeable iirc, but a bit too gimmicky. I buy into marketing as much as the next guy (hands up if you own an apple product), but this looks uncomfortable. Nor do I like their ar-15 barrel de razors. Too much trade off of usability for novelty.
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