Hello everyone, I was just wondering if it is an indicator of RAD to have 5 Single Rings. I find myself really into the early Single Rings. So far I've gotten; an early Canadian (1907-09??) Single Ring, a 1910 Single Ring, a 1916 Single Ring, a 1919 Single Ring, and a 1912 Single Ring. There is something spiritual about shaving with a 100 year old razor. I always wonder what the previous owners were like, what they did for a living, we're they soldiers, sailers, or airmen? Where did they live? So on and so forth. All of my Single Rings are well used, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I almost bid on a cherry set this weekend, but chose a refurbished set instead. The well used Single Ring sets just seem to have a lot of character. I wonder what will happen when I can afford a Double Ring? I'll be up a creek, without a paddle if my Mrs. finds out how much a Double Ring would set me back. Maybe someday I'll get one. Any way I just thought I would see if I was the only person with, Single Ring Fever. .... God Bless, and have a great day gentlemen.