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Single Ring Fever!

Hello everyone, I was just wondering if it is an indicator of RAD to have 5 Single Rings. I find myself really into the early Single Rings. So far I've gotten; an early Canadian (1907-09??) Single Ring, a 1910 Single Ring, a 1916 Single Ring, a 1919 Single Ring, and a 1912 Single Ring. There is something spiritual about shaving with a 100 year old razor. I always wonder what the previous owners were like, what they did for a living, we're they soldiers, sailers, or airmen? Where did they live? So on and so forth. All of my Single Rings are well used, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I almost bid on a cherry set this weekend, but chose a refurbished set instead. The well used Single Ring sets just seem to have a lot of character. I wonder what will happen when I can afford a Double Ring? I'll be up a creek, without a paddle if my Mrs. finds out how much a Double Ring would set me back. Maybe someday I'll get one. Any way I just thought I would see if I was the only person with, Single Ring Fever. .... God Bless, and have a great day gentlemen.
I have a 1910 Single Ring also. I love it. I bought it because I thought it was the next best thing to a Double Ring. I too love shaving with a 100 y/o razor. Here's mine:

My 1910 Single Ring hasn't arrived yet, but it is eBay item number 251308960945. And it has a serial number of B634886. I can't hardly wait to shave with it.
5 is deffinetly a good start. I've got a soft spot for these old guys for sure. I have around 20 cased models including 4 double rings and about 10+ loose single rings. Like Glenn said there is something about a razor that is over 100 years old that just really apeals to me. I really like finding an old one black with age and cleaning it to discover its year. Its kind of like a lotto scratcher, but every time its a winner. I deffiently have my favorites over other single rings, but they're all awesome.
Well I'm glad that you're enjoying in that way. I think about that when I look at my vintage shavers particularly my 1917 service razor. Bet Our shavers could tell some great tales if they could speak. Enjoy.
I have some nice singles and doubles, they shave the same and are pretty amazing as they shave almost almost as good as anything that came after them. It had to be the most amazing thing in 1904 to shave with one.
Oh yes, you're not the only one. I've got two on hand, and three on the way. Once my first single ring arrived, it was the end for me. All I want to buy and all I look for is a Single Ring. I'd love to get a double ring, but sadly I cannot afford one, yet. Maybe I'll sell off a few of my razors so I can get one someday, but until than, I'm good w/ what I have. Here's one of mine.

Nice razor SpaceCuddles, you must be the one who beat me out of that 1908 Single Ring this morning! Happy shaving, you are also off to a good start! I shaved with my pre1910 Canadian Single Ring last night, and it's like Shavefreak said, the shaves are as good as anything that came later. God Bless, and have a good day!
I've got it bad about Single Rings. Funny thing is, they're not my favorite shaver (that would be an Old-Type), but they're the ones I look for. I'm trying to keep my collection from getting out of hand, these guys aren't making it easy. I also hope to get a Double Ring some day. Front to back: 1911, 1914, and a G-in-D (French market) 1920.

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Nice set up Chongo Gordo, I just now got done shaving with my Canadian Single Ring again,but I love those Old Types too. They do give a great shave.
Nice razor SpaceCuddles, you must be the one who beat me out of that 1908 Single Ring this morning!

Actually no! I wish I got that though, I was right along there w/ you. =D This was picked up quite a while ago along w/ a blue tip that came with it in a packaged deal(a very good one, I might add;)). I find her to be QUITE aggressive, almost a little too much for my liking. I have another one which is right on the cusp of the old type/new type, it's an old type 'N1' single ring which gives me the best shaves a man could ask for(aside from the sheraton I might add). I have a 'K3' single ring on the way, should be here shortly, and I'm hoping it shaves on par with the 'N1' I have now. I loooove it. It's a work horse, I can't stop picking it up every morning(the N1), and I feel bad I'm not giving the 'N7'(pictured) the love it deserves(as the first time I test drove her she slit my upperlip/nose very nicely, I forgive her though). Anybody have this experience? Are some single rings more aggressive than others? Or is it simply my imagination. I don't believe it is though, because there is an evident difference in blade exposure among the two, that is undeniable.
Yes SpaceCuddles, I too believe there is a difference in the two. However, my experience is the reverse. I may be backwards though. I've always thought that the older Single Rings are more agressive. I seem to get better shaves from the older, rather than newer ones. It must be a YMMV thing. My face is still stinging from my last shave with my oldest razor, the 1907-09 Canadian Single Ring. I've found I have to use my Nivea post shave balm after using these old Single Rings. I did a two pass BBS with that razor. Anyway have a great night
I picked this one up at an antique mall yesterday. Basically it's a single ring standard set with a metal case. The serial number is on the inside cylinder of the knob and it dates to 1909. I'm guessing the case is nickel plated brass. The nickel plated blade holders are in great condition with only a few minor scratches and a few of the original razor blades still in the wrapper. The inside of the case is pretty roached, but it's all there pretty much. The little handle rest insert is still there. The razor itself was very tarnished but I cleaned it up with some Weimans silver polish and other than some light scratches on the cap and some plate loss on the knob, the plating is in great shape. The handle does not have any cracks either, but has a very slight curvature to it.... which obviously should not affect the shave. No bent teeth either.... and all the teeth are there.


More pics:


This is my first Old Type Single Ring, but my third razor with an Old Type head. I also have an ABC Empire Pocket Edition and an Old Type Bulldog Handle (one of my favorite shavers overall).

Anybody have this experience? Are some single rings more aggressive than others? Or is it simply my imagination. I don't believe it is though, because there is an evident difference in blade exposure among the two, that is undeniable.

My French Single Ring is VERY aggressive, and I like a lively blade (Old Type, Barbasol, New Deluxe). This is not due to a difference in design, rather it's that time and use have given that particular razor's head a slight "arch" from end to end. I remember reading that there are different head-caps for single-rings, but I haven't been able to find the thread.
My French Single Ring is VERY aggressive, and I like a lively blade (Old Type, Barbasol, New Deluxe). This is not due to a difference in design, rather it's that time and use have given that particular razor's head a slight "arch" from end to end. I remember reading that there are different head-caps for single-rings, but I haven't been able to find the thread.

I was dinkin around with my single rings last night and placed the headcap from my 'non aggressive' onto the 'aggresive' one and there is a very notable difference in head cap shape/size. It is simply the fact that one hangs over just a slightly more than the other. Btw, my terms 'aggressive' and 'non aggressive' are subjective and completely dictated by my own opinion. Seems one of my razors is a frankenrazor because the screw-knob that slides out the bottom has a date code starting with 3, and no number, as the baseplate has the stamp of 'N1' on it. It wouldn't surprise me if the head cap is mismatched as well causing this 'old type' to be less aggressive than its brothers and sisters from the same era of production. Either way,I love them all. I have one that is here today! I'm waiting on the mail man, but once it comes in I"ll post some pics. Came in a GEM case, so the seller thought it was a gem(causing me to get a STELLAR deal on the beauty), it's a gold plated single ring, and I can't wait to find out the date on it. =D happy friday for me! I know it's monday, but it's my friday.
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This is my first Old Type Single Ring, but my third razor with an Old Type head. I also have an ABC Empire Pocket Edition and an Old Type Bulldog Handle (one of my favorite shavers overall).


WOW! Beautiful razor and beautiful case! In such great condition the case is! Blade holders look amazing too! Wow, jealous. I don't even have a case for even one of my single rings, so they're all mismatched sitting in random gillette cases, one is even in an old necklace box! I feel so ashamed to house them in their wrong cases, but what ya gonna do...:blush:
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