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Single Pass ATG

Well my first shave was not a banner shave by any means, it was a (3) pass and burned the hell out of my chin.

So last I decided to do it in (1) pass with some clean up and it was wonderful, I have been shaving ATG all my life, (and thats a while) so I thought what the hey ill try it with the new EJ89, some grape seed oil pre-rub and a good lather, then against the grain I went. Wala good shave. I did take the time to single pass and rinse, relather the chin and touched up.

I know every one is different, just saying this worked great for me.

Happy Shaving to all at B&B
That's how I used to shave before I stated with a DE. I used to shave in the shower, make my lather there and do ATG with touch-ups. I got a pretty decent shave. Nothing like I get now though.
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