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Single edged blade sampler

Hi I recently got two single edged razors in with some other DE's I had bought. One is a gem micromatic the other a gen junior. I would quite like to try these out but don't want to splash out too much on blades till I know they are for me. So my question is where in the UK can I find some good blades in small numbers or that don't cost the earth?

Then add more stuff to the cart :biggrin1:
I think postage to Lithuania for 10 SE blades, 20 Injector blades and 10 Personna Labs was 1.10 GBP. Was it more expensive in your case?
Yes £2.50 for the ten blades :confused1 I'm way past my limit for razor stuff this month lol bout ten soaps, six razors, blades, a tradere handle to pick up tomorrow from post office. Told her i was finished after i got a fatboy lol Can I password protect B&B? If she reads this I'm in trouble :scared:
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