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simpson..wee scot vs. special S1

Looking for a good daily face latherer for soaps and creams. Current brush is a 22mm knot and I want something with a smaller knot and bloom; I narrowed it down to these two or the simpson case based on knot and loft size and simpson best badger. PLEASE chime in if you own any of these brushes...I need someone to sway me in one direction, and I only want 1 brush in my rotation, not both! pics for comparison would be awesome too if anyone has both of these!
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both are great...it would be hard for me to pick one. How happy are you with the 22mm? if you feel is too big, go wee...otherwise special
The 22mm knot I currently use does feel too big. Not by a ton, but I definitely want a smaller brush. Do you notice a big difference between a 22mm and an 18-19mm?
I had the wee scot and sold it to another board member here. While it is a nice brush, I found that it really was too small for me to use effectively. I normally shave half awake in the morning and my manual dexterity is sadly lacking at times. The handle was just a bit small. I could squeak out 3 passes worth of lather from the 14mm knot. If only having one brush, I would definitely look at something slightly larger.

I ended up getting the Beaufort B1 with a pure knot as they were out of the brush I had wanted with the best knot at the time. The 18mm pure is an alright knot, but I would prefer something in the 18 - 20 mm best range. It's breaking in nicely, but it is still a bit scritchy.

I think either the Case or Berkeley in best would be a real nice brush for your needs. This is just my opinion and of course YMMV.
I just got a Wee Scot, and have only used it a couple of times so far, however I really like it. For face lathering, however, I think it probably wouldn't hold quite enough lather to get the job done. I still mug lather with the Scot, and it performs beautifully. It feels wonderful; it's very precise in it's application, and scrubby yet soft.
I use the Wee Scot to face lather and it does a great job with that. I easily get 3 passes. When I first took it out of the box, my first thought was that it was way too small. However, the more I use it, the more I like it. At this point, it has become my favorite brush.
I face-lather with a Berkeley, I believe just a touch larger than the Case. Three pases is the most I can get out of it, so I'm amazed at the lather you guys get out of your Wee Scot.

My brush is great, and I would absolutely recommend it. Probably will still need to get a slightly larger all-around brush that I can also use to bowl lather.
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