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Simpson Super Scritchy Compared To Best

I recently received a Simpson PJ1 in Super Badger as a PIF. I have to say, I was really excited to use it. The brush is a bit larger and longer than my Berkeley, which is something I really like. But for some reason the Super Badger has more scritchiness than my Berkeley in BB. The Berkeley is dense and soft, with nearly zero scritchiness. With the PJ1, it seems that much of the brush is nice and soft, but there are a few prickly hairs here and there that annoy a bit when swirling lather on my face, particularly around my mouth. Will this go away over time? Or is it just a slightly scritchy brush forever? Strangely, I don't really notice the scritchiness when I just swirl the brush on my hand. But I feel it on my face.

Kinda makes me wonder if it's a bit of a gamble getting the really expensive brushes. The PJ1 is still a nice brush. I'm just not one that really enjoys the scritch that much.
How long did the previous owner use it? In my experience badgers don't change much. Some say that they do break in and if that's right it's been to small of a changer for me to ever notice. It could be that way forever.

Also, there is variability with hair. I have 2 Simpsons in best. The colonel is like what I thought a best would feel like - a bit of scritch and scrubby. The PJ2 though rivals my silvertips in softness. I think your super is just a bit unique.
Is it a 2-band? While I have a Tulip 3 and a Persian Jar 3 in 2-band that are not scritchy, I've found this issue with some other other Simpson 2-bands. It's not likely to change much, if at all. I've not found it in their Super 3-bands, which does not mean it never happens. The German makers (Shavemac & Thater) seem to be more consistent in this regard.
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Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
I have a Polo 8 in two-band super, and it is not scritchy, and in my opinion the best Simpson's brush I ever owned: perfect shaped knot, loft etc - this one is a keeper and I love it.
On the other hand I just got a Chubby 1 in Best and I am quite disappointed with this one: the knot is mis-shapen and there are thick black bristles sticking out. I used it once and I think it is quite scritchy, but then, as we always say: YMMV
I have the Emperor3 in super as well and it is not as soft as best but I have never experienced the prickly you describe. I would say it merely has more backbone and the hairs are larger like and 8wt fly rod compared to a 5wt. I am very pleased with mine and have a Chubby2 in best as well.
I have a Polo 8 in two-band super, and it is not scritchy, and in my opinion the best Simpson's brush I ever owned: perfect shaped knot, loft etc - this one is a keeper and I love it.
On the other hand I just got a Chubby 1 in Best and I am quite disappointed with this one: the knot is mis-shapen and there are thick black bristles sticking out. I used it once and I think it is quite scritchy, but then, as we always say: YMMV

wouldn't it be worth sending that chubby back? $100+ is a lot to pay to be disappointed, and it sounds like you have reason to be, if the hairs are off kilter and not entirely "best". I guess this is where it pays to be able to select your brush in person.
Thanks for the replies, everyone! I appreciate the feedback, advice, and anecdotes.

I don't believe the previous owner used it very much, maybe a few times. And it's just a "Super Badger", not a 2- or 3-band brush. I've used it for at least a few weeks now, and while it has broken in a bit and the bloom is nice, there are still those few hairs that like to poke once in a while. I figured I could chalk it up to "YMMV", especially with hand-made brushes. And it sounds like others have run into the same thing, from time to time. It's still a nice brush, but it just surprised me a bit that it wasn't quite as cushy and soft-feeling as my "Best" brush.
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