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Simpson "Prince George" LE

Antique Hoosier

I recommended to Simpson via Facebook post they produce a "Prince George" Limited Edition brush. Might be fun.... Will they do it????

Antique Hoosier

Nothing yet.... Ironically years ago I mentioned to them about bringing out old styles, designs, LE's like Dunhill does with Christmas pipes.... Hmmmmmm
I can never understand why our royals are so popular in the US, you guys fought a war of independence to be free of such nonsense!

The following old joke from the '80s could help you understand:

Russians painted the whole surface of the Moon in red. Americans waited for them to finish the job, and then wrote Coca Cola on it!


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I can never understand why our royals are so popular in the US, you guys fought a war of independence to be free of such nonsense!

As a Canadian I know many love the Royal family and the monarchy etc...but I don't give a second of my time to anything they do and could care less if I ever saw them in the media again.

As for a Simpson brush being produced to honour the occasion, if it makes money and there is a demand for it, I'm sure we'll see an LE brush soon.

There will be stamps, coins, plates and everything else under the sun to cash-in on honour the occasion. :closedeye
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As a Canadian I know many love the Royal family and the monarchy etc...but I don't give a second of my time to anything they do and could care less if I ever saw them in the media again.

As for a Simpson brush being produced to honour the occasion, if it makes money and there is a demand for it, I'm sure we'll see an LE brush soon.

There will be stamps, coins, plates and everything else under the sun to cash-in on honour the occasion. :closedeye

Here here. Times like this make me glad I don't have a TV. I can only imagine how bad it is in that environment.
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