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Simpson M7 Comments?

I keep hearing my inner voice say "You need an M7". Wondering what you owners think of them. Would love to see your pics as well, Thanks!
You need an M7. I don't own one, but I figured that's the right and proper thing to say. From what I've heard they're awesome.
You need an M7. I don't own one, but I figured that's the right and proper thing to say. From what I've heard they're awesome.

I've considered your post intently, and I find your logic flawless! :biggrin1:
Contrary opinion here.

I had a GYLE (basically an M7).

The handle was larger than I cared for, the knot was too similar to a Best.
I sold it. No regrets so far.


System Generated
The x7 handles is probably my favorite of all. Whether it be the Simpson or my M&F L7 or any of the brush makers variations, they are always stunning

I wish Simpson would put out a line of them is 3 band Best at he regular Simpson pricing.
I've got one on the way in butterscotch.

So if it means anything, then thats one less available.

You certainly dont "need it" but thats not really the issue. If you want it, then buy it.
I'm completely on the fence for Butterscotch or Faux Ivory / Silvertip or Manchurian so responses here will probably make the difference. I like all of the choices but I regret not catching a two band when they were available, I would have gone straight for that one. Just to mix it up more, I bowl/face/hand lather as the mood strikes so I really don't have a strong direction for a choice of hair. I probably would go in the direction of the softest tip but then the handle choice hangs me up!
The M7 is one of the most beautiful handles around. It is a very solid handle, and is very comfortable in hand. The 24 mm knot is just on the edge of being too big for me, but it is very densely packed. The loft is set just high enough that you get decent flow through the knot, so it does not hog lather. I got mine in 3 band Super, and the really soft tips make for a great lathering experience.
An honest question; do you think you need one?

Need? Heck no! I wouldn't imagine anyone ever dying for lack of an M7. I consider this sort of a "hybrid" hobby where I can have fun with something I need to do anyway. It's relatively inexpensive as adult hobbies go and most of the "acquisitions" can be flipped with minimal loss if they don't work out. Not an investment plan by any stretch, just a hobby. No one ever wanted to buy my old electric! I wish I could find a way to make doing laundry as pleasant an experience as shaving!
So basically what you are saying is yes you need one...(come on man I wanted you to say yes I needed one!)

From a doctor's perspective I think you should buy one!



Need? Heck no! I wouldn't imagine anyone ever dying for lack of an M7. I consider this sort of a "hybrid" hobby where I can have fun with something I need to do anyway. It's relatively inexpensive as adult hobbies go and most of the "acquisitions" can be flipped with minimal loss if they don't work out. Not an investment plan by any stretch, just a hobby. No one ever wanted to buy my old electric! I wish I could find a way to make doing laundry as pleasant an experience as shaving!
I keep hearing my inner voice say "You need an M7". Wondering what you owners think of them. Would love to see your pics as well, Thanks!

I've considered your post intently, and I find your logic flawless! :biggrin1:

Need? Heck no! I wouldn't imagine anyone ever dying for lack of an M7. I consider this sort of a "hybrid" hobby where I can have fun with something I need to do anyway. It's relatively inexpensive as adult hobbies go and most of the "acquisitions" can be flipped with minimal loss if they don't work out. Not an investment plan by any stretch, just a hobby. No one ever wanted to buy my old electric! I wish I could find a way to make doing laundry as pleasant an experience as shaving!

You should get one of each just to make sure.


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
The M7 is my favorite handle. I love both my GYLE & my Manchurian. In fact the Manchurian M7 is probably my favorite of all my brushes and I own over 30.

$M7s & Emperor 3.jpg

$M7 Manchurian Badger bloom.jpg

$M7 GYLE Brushes.jpg

If you really want a 2 banded M7, you can always ask Simpson to make one for you..... There have I done enough enabling for you??? :biggrin:

Deleted member 48987

You sure you don't mean L7?


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