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Simpson Chubby 2 - 2 Band Super Availability?

When was the Chubby 2 - 2 Band Super manufactured? I can't seem to find any new for sale anywhere, is second hand the only option? I'll tell you why I ask, last week I purchased one used but the sale fell through when the seller informed me he had dropped it on a porcelain floor while cleaning it for packing and fractured the handle. Now me, extremely stupidly (embarrassed to admit):blushing:, made the assumption that all Chubby 2 Supers were two band and promptly ordered a new one. Arrived yesterday and then the awful truth dawned on me. If I can obtain one, I could always sell the Super. In fact is the 2 Band drastically different to the Super or negligible? I was hoping the 2 Band would tear through hard soaps. Well there's my confession for the day, please go easy on me.
You could always tweet Simpsons too. I've ordered two brushes in the space of a week with Simpsons with no hassle.
Yes to everything above, several vendors get them from time to time but only a few at a time and they seem to sell out fast.
I am a big Simpson fan. However, in this case I would strongly suggest you consider the Rooney Heritage Stubby 2XL offered at vintagebladesllc.com. It is a superb brush that, in my opinion, provides all of the benefits of the Chubby 2 2-band, with an even softer, nicer feel.
And I forgot that it is very likely to be less expensive - $229. The Chubby 2 2-band, new, will probably be at least $50 more.
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